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A Moving Story

Sometimes, in the maelstrom of venom, spite and scorn that dominates the news cycle, you yearn for something soothing.

Some folks turn to puppy pictures.

Me, I found something better. This from CBS News. 

When an Alabama man's car broke down on the eve of his first day of work for a moving company he set out on foot at midnight to cover the 20-mile trip to his job.

Cops picked him up at about 4 a.m. Sunday, checked out his story and took him to breakfast.

The folks being moved were so touched by what the officers told them that they posted Walter Carr’s story on Facebook where the CEO of the Bellhops moving company saw it.

Luke Marklin gave his newest employee a car.

A determined young man, kind-hearted cops, appreciative customers and a generous CEO.

THIS is America, folks.