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Liberals Behaving Badly. Again.

In case you thought those suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome might behave like decent adults over the Thanksgiving holidays, I’m here to tell you that didn’t happen.

Certainly there was a lack of maturity and decency on display Thanksgiving Eve when graduates of Washington D.C.’s Gonzaga College High School gathered at the Dubliner Bar On Capitol Hill for a pre-holiday reunion.

According to witnesses, former Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley caught sight of Ken Cuccinelli, Acting Deputy Secretary of Homeland Security, a fellow alum. Instead of civilly greeting a fellow Zag with the old “Eagles” cheer or whatever it is graduates of that exclusive Jesuit school do, he began screaming and yelling at the Cooch about the Trump administration’s immigration policies.

O’Malley is apparently unaware that it was the Obama administration that set the record for child detentions in 2015 with 100,000, because of course that inconvenient truth doesn’t fit the narrative.

The former governor, who unsuccessfully sought the Democratic presidential nomination in 2016, is an open-borders guy who made sure illegal aliens could get Maryland driver’s licenses and in-state college tuition because they’re so much more deserving than, say, poor kids from Delaware who might want to attend a Maryland state college. He also essentially turned Maryland into a sanctuary state during his tenure in Annapolis.

Policies like Maryland’s are part of the reason we all need to get Real IDs to fly domestically by next year. Thanks, Guv.

Cuccinelli, former Virginia Attorney General, supports strong enforcement of American immigration laws.

Despite his differences with Cuccinelli, you would expect that O’Malley could control himself in public on the eve of America’s most beloved holiday. But you would be wrong

Instead, he did what unhinged liberals like to do when they have an audience: He acted like a loon. Of course, he was merely following orders from California crazywoman, Rep. Maxine Waters, who famously urged Democrats to harass Trump administration members whenever possible.

“Let's make sure we show up wherever we have to show up. And if you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd. And you push back on them. And you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere.”

Such civility.

Since then numerous Republicans have been harangued in public by demented Democrats.

And Cuccinelli’s reaction? According to reports, he acted like a gentleman and quietly left the Irish pub. In a statement Thursday he called O’Malley’s behavior “sad and shocking.”

Recounting the event, Cuccinelli told Fox News that he heard someone loudly “cussing” and turned to see the former governor headed his way: “O'Malley pushed his way through the small group to confront me face to face, still cursing me, the President, and my Italian ancestry and he got right up in my face, bumped up against me and invited me to take a swing at him.

”… I said ‘Martin, one of us has to rise above this, and it's obviously not going to be you.’”
