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Media Ignores Hunter Biden Scandal

"The least curious people in the country right now appear to be the credentialed news media, a situation normally unique to tinpot authoritarian societies,” Rolling Stone contributing editor Matt Taibbi.

This would be hilarious. If only the stakes weren’t so high.

The mainstream media, which for four years recklessly served up juicy unsubstantiated allegations about  Donald Trump and Brett Kavanaugh - anyone else remember the pee tape or Julie Swetnick? - has suddenly developed scruples.

I told you this was comical.

Yep, after publishing story after story about the Steele Dossier, Russian collusion, Stormy Daniels and after happily printing stolen tax data on Donald Trump, irresponsible clowns in the media are now ignoring the trove of troubling emails found on Hunter Biden’s laptop.

In fact it’s been radio silence from these suddenly circumspect muckrakers on emails that reveal naked influence peddling by the degenerate younger Biden and hint that Joe Biden himself was aware of his son’s nefarious activities and possibly even profited from them.

On Thursday, the younger Biden’s former business partner -  Virginia Beach native Tony Bobulinski - came forward to say that he was turning over to the FBI phones and other evidence that show Joe Biden has lied about being ignorant of Hunter’s business dealings.

Not only have most news organizations ignored these stories, but social media is actively hiding the information by blocking users who try to share stories about the laptop.

Facebook announced last week it was slowing down the dissemination of Hunter Biden posts and Twitter went so far as to lock the account of The New York Post - America’s fourth largest newspaper, founded by Alexander Hamilton - because it refused to take down the first in its series of Hunter Biden stories.

If you haven’t read the stories, head over to The Post and read them now. Don’t try to share them on Facebook or Twitter, though. The tech tyrants won’t allow it.

This is an attempt by the news and social media to censor the news for one reason: To protect Joe Biden from stories that could harm his bid to become president.

That’s chilling.

It certainly outraged Matt Taibbi, a contributing editor to Rolling Stone and most definitely not a Trump supporter:

“The sudden decision by all of these platforms to start establishing standards about questions like hacked material, leaked material, doxing material, material that can’t be verified, that’s very convenient because the last four years, the news landscape has been just packed full of what they call hack and leak stories,”
Taibbi argued on Hill.TV’s “Rising” Thursday. 

He’s right.

Look, I spent my entire adult life working in newspapers. I believed in print journalism and the exhaustive work we did to expose corruption and wrongdoing wherever we found it.

In recent years many members of the media have abandoned all pretense of objectivity and are effectively working as mouthpieces for the Democratic Party, widely disseminating stories that hurt Trump and ignoring stories that hurt Democrats.

Here’s a prediction: This will not turn out well for the newspaper industry. Or the country.