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A National Mask Mandate? Nope.

What is it about Democrats that makes them salivate at the thought of expanding the role of government?

Asking for a friend.

Actually, I’m asking for a country. Mine.

Yesterday, the worst governor in America - New York’s Andrew Cuomo - Tweeted this and 139,000 morons thought it was a good idea:

Think about it for a moment. So far, 20 states have mask mandates, including Virginia. They vary from ours, which requires masks be worn indoors by people older than 10 when they’re not eating or drinking, to the latest decree from Washington D.C. that orders people into face diapers every time they leave their dwelling places, unless they’re engaging in vigorous exercise. 

Dog walking requires a mask. So does lawn mowing and strolling around the block.

Sounds like loads of fun with temperatures in the 90s. I’m sure construction workers are going to love it.

Oh, and any child over the age of 3 caught outside without a mask in the District is subject to a $1,000 fine per violation. I have no idea where pre-schoolers will get such large sums. Guess they’ll have to raid their college funds.

The DC edict is ugly, authoritarian and contradicted by science - fresh air is good for us and everyone knows that - but control freak Mayor Muriel Bowser issued this order anyway. To show who’s in charge. There can be no other reason.

Elections have consequence, folks. 

It isn’t enough that power-drunk governors have been able to decide which businesses could remain open and whether people could walk - or sit - on the beaches. Now big government Democrats, like House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Cuomo of New York, want the federal government to order everyone in America into a face mask.

That’s odd.

One day they’re howling about federal agents protecting a federal courthouse in Portland. The next, they want to send U.S. marshals into the streets to round up the unmasked.

If these dictatorial Democrats get  their way - and they won’t, thank God - the same mask rules that apply to someone riding a subway in New York will apply to a cattle rancher in Montana. 


We have 50 states. The governors of each and the mayor of the District of Columbia have executive powers - hopefully overseen by legislators -  that are supposed to be used judiciously to best serve the people in their states. 

What works for densely populated places like New Jersey with 1,210 people per square mile makes absolutely no sense for Alaska with 1.3. That’s why the handling of Covid-19 has been left to the states.

Yet it apparently chaps Cuomo’s derriere to see the faces of unmasked Americans even if they live in areas nearly untouched by the current pandemic or with so few people that social distancing is a way of life.

Too bad.

Memo to Gov. Cuomo: Stay in New York where you’re drifting dangerously toward Prohibition with rules about what residents may and may not eat in bars and just how many drinks they may consume.

You’ve done enough damage to your own state. Leave the rest of America alone.