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Biden’s Disgusting Press Conference

I’m struggling to find the best adjective to describe Joe Biden’s demeanor in his disastrous press conference yesterday.










So hard to choose. 

But on this terrible day, when 13 U.S. service members were blown up in Afghanistan and 18 others were injured due to this feckless president and his sloppy plans to withdraw from Afghanistan, I think the best way to describe Biden is “heartless.”

In case you missed it, after the bloodiest day in Afghanistan in a decade, the president actually opened his presser this way:

“It’s been a tough day.”

tough day? 

A tough day is when your car won’t start and you’re late for work. Or the stock market tanks and your 401K takes a hit. A tough day is when you go to the beach and the red flags are flying so you can’t swim.

But when your ineptitude cost 10 Marines, two soldiers and one sailor THEIR LIVES at the hands of bloodthirsty hairballs who were emboldened by your impotence it’s an unspeakable, unimaginable tragedy.

From there, the presser got worse. In the next sentence Biden began crowing about the amazing airlift, which is only needed because of his failed Afghanistan policies. 

Seeing where this was headed, here’s what I Tweeted:

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It took only another minute or two before he went there: Biden compared the cancer death of his decent son with the senseless deaths of a dozen Marines who were killed because of him.

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I’m just going to say it. I’m tired of the president trotting out his dead son every time he wants a little sympathy. It’s cheesy and it sullies the memory of what by all accounts was the best member of the Biden family. 

Does this pandering fool really believe that talking about his own loss of a son to cancer is some sort of consolation to families who just lost their husbands and sons in a terrorist attack as they tried to carry out Biden’s grotesque plans?

If so, he’s even more delusional than we thought.

Here’s a genuine expression of grief for the American lives lost yesterday:

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The conference was painful and unenlightening. Biden looked worse than ever. He read slowly from the teleprompter, as if he hadn’t seen the words before. He was unapologetic, unemotional and refused to admit any mistakes. He blamed his generals and his predecessor for the mess. Oh, and he promised that more terrorist attacks were coming.

This happened on a day when Politico broke a shocking story that the Biden administration shared lists of names of Americans, green card holders and friendly Afghans with the Taliban. In other words, this administration gave our enemies a kill list.

Everyone running this operation should resign. 

When it came time to pretend to answer “random” questions from the press, Biden began by saying he’d been “instructed” to call on NBC’s Kelly O’Donnell first. Biden isn’t even smart enough to play along and act as if his press conferences aren’t scripted by whoever is pulling his strings.

After he’d taken a handful of questions, made a couple of jokes,  Biden said it was over. 

“I have another meeting. For real,” he said, like a middle school girl.

What could possibly be more important than talking to the American public after such a day?

Some of us knew the Biden administration would be a disaster. It’s so much worse than we ever imagined.