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Hey, Joe: Your Lollipops Won’t Work

Late, but totally predictable.

As Joe Biden’s poll numbers circle the drain (Quinnipiac has his approval rating at 35%), the doddering old man from Delaware returned to the Democratic playbook in a desperate attempt to gin up his popularity:


Or rather, free stuff!

There is nothing the Democrats like more than tossing lollipops to voters, figuring that’s all it takes for the stupid electorate to reciprocate on Election Day.

For months it was No Rent! Then it was Stimulus Checks. With inflation soaring, passing out more loot is out of the question, so Joe decided to look for a different flavor lollipop for the suckers. And he came up with free test kits and free masks.

Yippee! That ought to goose his poll numbers back into the low 40s.

Problem is, this is a little late. 

The president waited until the Delta surge was over and Omicron was beginning to show signs of waning in some parts of the country before finally addressing the Covid test shortage. 

This week the White House unveiled a website where American households can order four - 4! - free tests kits. They should arrive via USPS in 7 to 12 days.

What good are they going to do folks who are sick now and don’t know if they have a cold or Covid? 

On top of that, after two years of lying to the public about the efficacy of cloth masks the CDC admitted last week that they aren’t effective against Covid-19, something many of us knew since the beginning of the pandemic.

So the Biden administration tapped the U.S. strategic national stockpile of PPE to make 400 million N95 masks available at pharmacies and health centers.

Enough to protect every American for a full day! (Refresh my memory, did the government send out a single condom to every household during the height of the AIDS epidemic?)

Problem is, unless they are perfectly fitted and changed regularly, N95s are not effective either. 

Take Germany, for instance. The government there MANDATED N95 masks last year and the obedient population wears them everywhere.

In January 2021, German Chancellor Angela Merkel announced that all individuals in the country would be required to wear medical-grade face masks, as opposed to merely cloth coverings, when in the workplace, on public transportation, and in shops.

So just how well are the most restrictive mask mandates in the world working?

They’re not.

Germany’s cases hit an all-time high this week, despite the medical-grade masks.

According to Euronews, Germany also saw a new record number of confirmed cases on Wednesday, with 112,323 new infections in the past 24 hours.

It is the first time the country's disease control agency reported more than 100,000 daily cases. A further 239 COVID-related deaths were also registered on Wednesday.

Mr. Biden, I don’t want your free tests. I definitely don’t want your masks. 

Keep them.

Stop wasting our tax dollars on your unserious attempts to gaslight an entire country. 

Your presidency is such an unmitigated disaster that even lollipops can’t save it now.