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Don’t California Our Virginia

Whatever you do at the ballot box in Virginia, do not return Democrats to power in Richmond.

Or anywhere else.

You’ve been warned.

Leftist Del. Elizabeth Guzman of Northern Virginia announced Thursday that she’s re-introducing legislation this year that would protect LGBTQ children from their parents.

Chew on that for a moment.

Del. Guzman

This is a push-back against Gov. Glenn Youngkin’s department of education’s new regulation. The one that supports parents’ rights. It requires kids who identify with a gender other than the one they were born to have parental permission to change their appearance and pronouns. 

This sort of common-sense rule has made Democrats apoplectic.

Guzman’s bill, she said, would expand the definition of child abuse and neglect to include those who “do not affirm” their kid’s sexual orientation or gender identity.

“What could the penalties be if the investigation concludes that a parent is not affirming of their LGBTQ child? What could the consequences be?” 7News Reporter Nick Minock asked Guzman on Thursday.

“Well, we first have to complete an investigation,” Guzman answered. “It could be a felony, it could be a misdemeanor, but we know that CPS charge could harm your employment, could harm their education, because nowadays many people do a CPS database search before offering employment.”

In other words, if your son told you he identified as a girl and wanted to wear a frilly frock and lipstick to school, you would have to cheer his decision.

To tell him that he was not leaving your house dressed as a girl and that someday he would thank you, could subject you to criminal charges if he griped about you to school authorities. All he’d have to do is utter the magic words “I don’t feel safe” and you’d be in deep trouble. School officials are “mandatory reporters” in Virginia and would be required to turn you in to Child Protective Services.

You’d get to hire a pricey defense attorney and get sucked into a nightmare of trying to protect your family from overreaching government know-it-alls who want to tell you how to rear your children. 

This bill has no chance of passing in the Republican majority House this year. But give the gavels to Democrats again and this sort of anti-family legislation will be on the books faster than your son can say “Call me Caitlin.”

Virginia Democrats and others spent all weekend sputtering and trying to do damage control. Yet none of them came out and said they support parental rights.

Because they don’t.

It’s especially telling that the Democrat Minority Leader of Virginia, Del. Don Scott Jr., of Portsmouth, called the proposed bill a “distraction.

Not a horror. Not a rotten idea. Not an abomination.

A distraction. 

Don’t think a bill like this one won’t become law in Virginia if Democrats are returned to office. 

You do realize that the last time the Dems held a majority in the General Assembly they passed laws hitching Virginia to California’s energy regulations don’t you? 

You do realize that the last time these out-of-control lefties occupied the Governor’s Mansion and the state legislature they installed a parole board that freed convicted killers including cop killers.

They legalized pot without any rules about retail sales. 

Their education department made it possible for school authorities to hide transgender kids from their parents and to cover up sexual assaults in schools.

There is no limit to the damage these fanatics will do the minute they get power.

It can NEVER happen again. 

As the saying goes: Don’t let them California our beloved Virginia.