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Martha’s Vineyard Did What San Antonio Didn’t: Got Biden’s Attention

On Monday, June 25th, Texas authorities pried open the door of an abandoned tractor trailer and made a gruesome discovery

Inside, cooked alive in 103 degree San Antonio heat, were 46 dead illegal immigrants. Sixteen others were so weak and sick they couldn’t walk. By the next day, the death toll from the human trafficking disaster rose to 51.

When asked about the dead immigrants that week, Joe Biden turned and walked out of a press conference.

The president had nothing to say about the carnage his feckless policies had caused. Biden lacked even the decency to express sorrow at the deaths of these poor people who had paid coyotes to smuggle them across the border in hopes of a better life in America. 

Yet, according to Fox News, the president had plenty to say the day after 50 healthy migrants were flown to one of the most affluent Democratic enclaves in the US: Martha’s Vineyard:

During an address at the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute gala, Biden accused Republicans of "playing politics" and using migrants as "props" after dozens of migrants were sent to Martha’s Vineyard in Massachusetts and to Vice President Kamala Harris’ residence in Washington, D.C.

"Republicans are playing politics with human beings, using them as props. What they’re doing is simply wrong, it’s un-American, it’s reckless," Biden said Thursday.

What’s wrong, reckless and unAmerican is Biden’s refusal to close our southern border. Biden’s disastrous policies have not only led to horrible deaths and unspeakable abuse, but to an explosion of fentanyl overdoses. Almost all of the deadly synthetic opioid is manufactured in China and smuggled into the U.S. from Mexico.

Within 48 hours of their arrival on the exclusive Massachusetts island, the unwanted migrants were ushered off by the military, after being told there was no room for them.

That’s weird. Tourist season ended several weeks ago. While the local population, according to the Martha’s Vineyard Chamber of Commerce, is about 17,000, the population swells to 200,000 in the summertime.

That means there are a lot of extra beds somewhere. Where do those extra 183,000 vacationers sleep? Why the panic over the arrival of several dozen Spanish-speaking visitors?

Gov. Ron DeSantis made his point with the airlift to Martha’s Vineyard. He managed to grab the attention of Northern liberals who are insulated from the border crisis yet support the policies that created it.

Their NIMBY hypocrisy was exposed. They look like fools.

Odd, isn’t it, that it took just a few dozen immigrants plopped on the doorsteps of affluent communities by the governors of Florida and Texas to focus the nation’s attention on the crisis on the southern border.

You would have thought that 51 dead immigrants in San Antonio would be enough.

But you would be wrong.