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Baby, Baby Can’t You Hear My Heart Beat?

Well, looks like Stacey Abrams, the Democrat who’s running for governor of Georgia is at it again.

At an event in the Ray Charles Performing Arts Center in Atlanta this week this childless abortion enthusiast declared that there is no heartbeat in a 6-week-old fetus.

That rhythmic sound a mother hears during an early ultrasound? You know, the sound that her doctor says is her baby’s heartbeat? That’s “manufactured,” Abrams says. Not just manufactured, but cooked up by men in order to control women

Here, watch for yourself:

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Yep, she’s serving up yet another extra-large helping of crazy.

After the Republican National Committee Tweeted out the clip of Abrams making this wacky statement and the people on stage nodding sagely as she did, lefties on social media began leaping to her defense.

(Lefties will no doubt jump in on this page to make the same arguments. Wait for it.)

They actually dusted off the musty “clump of cells” argument to support this sudden no-heartbeat theory.

What one hears on a sonogram is not a heart beating but electrical impulses from a clump of cells that will BECOME a fully functioning heart, they insist.

Oh please, just stop.

No one out here believes that a tiny fetus has a fully functioning heart with two chambers, ventricles and atriums. What we do know, and most of us thought was “settled science,” is that the beginning of the heart is there and so is the rhythmic pulsing of what will become a heart capable of sustaining life outside the womb. And that tiny organ is already beating.

Britain’s National Health service claims there is a detectable heartbeat at six weeks.

Your baby at 6 weeks

By the time you're 6 to 7 weeks pregnant, there's a large bulge where the heart is and a bump at the head end of the neural tube. This bump will become the brain and head.

The embryo is curved and has a tail, and looks a bit like a small tadpole. The heart can sometimes be seen beating on a vaginal ultrasound scan at this stage.

So does WebMD, my favorite doc.

Week 6

Baby: Your baby is shaped like a tadpole, and it's about the size of a BB pellet. The eyes and limb buds are forming. The neural tube forms; it develops into the brain, spinal cord, and backbone. During an ultrasound, your doctor may be able to hear a heartbeat, and they can now set a due date.

One of the most thrilling moments of early pregnancy is hearing the gentle pulsing of your baby’s heart. I remember crying when I first heard my daughter’s precious heart. I remember thinking, God willing, that heart will beat continuously for the next 90 years. Long after mine has stopped.

It’s an awe-inspiring moment of womanhood.

Until Stacey Abrams spouted her nonsense, I had never heard anyone argue that there was no heartbeat at 6 weeks. Then I began to do a little research.

Seems this line is suddenly being pushed by all of the usual pro-abortion groups and their obedient servants in the media. They’re reacting to states that have enacted so-called “heartbeat laws” that ban abortions after a heartbeat is detectable.

Naturally, they were able to unearth some lab-coated beard tuggers with MDs after their names to support their claims that the pulsing sound is not “really” a heartbeat but the noise of electrical impulses or of the ultrasound machine itself.

So far I haven’t been able to find any of these “experts” who go as far as Abrams and claim the sound is being manufactured by men who want to control women. Ultrasound karaoke, I guess, where a man stands behind a curtain and makes heart sounds as the wand moves across a woman’s abdomen.

Abrams recently said she supports abortion with no restrictions. Just so you know who the extremist is here.

Leave it there, Ms. Abrams. Stop playing semantics. Yours is the party of science. You know, the party that believed it could stop Covid by arresting surfers in Malibu, erecting one-way signs in supermarkets and telling us how many people we could have to Christmas dinner.

Stick to that kind of quackery. This argument is positively ghoulish.

If the headline on this post made no sense, you may not remember Herman’s Hermits, the British band that had a #2 hit in 1965 with a song by the same name. It was kept from the #1 spot by The Supremes and their megahit “Stop! In The Name Of Love.” You’ll be humming it all day. You’re welcome.