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Florida Sheriff’s Deputy, A Victim Of Biden’s Open Borders

Are you paying attention NOW, President Biden? Are you aware that your reckless open border policies have now cost a Florida sheriff’s deputy his life? Or are you still too ticked off that Gov. Ron DeSantis sent 50 immigrants to toney Martha’s Vineyard to care about the death of a Florida law enforcement officer?

Let’s face it. The only border Joe Biden cares about is Ukraine’s. It’s estimated that the U.S. is sending $100 million a day to Ukraine to protect that country from invaders. Meanwhile, our southern border is Swiss cheese. Illegals who were unlucky enough to be deported by the previous administration just sashay back across the border.

Now a sheriff’s deputy is dead.

Let’s back up.

Last Thursday night, Deputy Michael Hartwick, 51, of Pinellas County, Florida was working a traffic detail on I-275 in Tampa when a frontloader struck and killed him on the shoulder of the road.

According to police, the driver of the construction equipment kept driving and when he did stop, he stripped off his work gear and gave it to another co-worker, telling him to get rid of it for him.

He fled on foot and after a 9-hour intensive manhunt that involved helicopters and bloodhounds, a 32-year-old illegal alien from Honduras - Juan Ariel Molina-Salles - was arrested.

Turns out this man had already been apprehended and deported. He snuck back into the country by way of the infamous crossing at Eagle Pass, Texas in March. He was hired, according to ABC News, by Archer Western, a contractor with Florida’s Department of Transportation.

ABC reports that both Florida’s DOT and the contractor followed federal law and the E-verify system didn’t flag the gang of illegals working on the job site.

How is that possible?

Molina-Salles has been charged with leaving the scene of an accident with death and faces up to 30 years in prison. His fellow illegal, who took Molina-Salles’ work clothes, was charged with being an accessory after the fact.

Every single worker on the scene who lied to the police - and that was most of the crew, according to news reports - creating a diversion ought to face criminal charges.

Once they’re convicted and jailed they should face deportation.

Dare to dream, I guess..

Let’s see how much bile and outrage the legacy media can muster for this deadly incident. After all, they spent days wringing their ink-stained hands and raging at DeSantis over the mere presence of illegals on an exclusive Massachusetts island.

Just how angry will the media be at Biden over the death of a law enforcement officer by an illegal immigrant?

I think we all know the answer to that.