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Retire Already, Rapinoe.

I’ve loathed professional soccer player/professional victim Megan Rapinoe for years.

I’d never heard of this”elite” athlete until the U.S. team she played for in 2019 acted like a bunch of narcissistic morons - instead of a national team - dropping the American flag on the field after a big win so they could pound their chests and later use the F-word to describe then-President Trump and the White House.

Don’t believe me? Read it here. 

She and most of her odious teammates spent all of their time griping about how they didn’t earn pay that equaled male soccer players, as if their level of play was equal to the men.

Not even close.

Remember, Rapinoe and her team lost to a Dallas boys Under 15 team, 5-2.


Which brings us to her latest nutty statement: That she believes men should be able to compete in female sports. Men who pretend to be women that is.

Conveniently, she’s made this announcement in conjunction with the announcement of her own retirement from soccer at the end of the 2023 season, so she’ll never have to worry about losing her starting spot to a mediocre male soccer player who suddenly “identifies” as female.

Rapinoe told Time Magazine she would welcome a trans woman as a soccer teammate.

“Absolutely. You’re taking a ‘real’ woman’s place, that’s the part of the argument that’s still extremely transphobic. I see trans women as real women. What you’re saying automatically in the argument–you’re sort of telling on yourself already–is you don’t believe these people are women. Therefore, they’re ‘taking the other spot.’ I don’t feel that way.”

Riley Gaines, the outspoken swimming champion who objected to competing against Lia Thomas, who displayed his male genitalia in the women’s locker room during the NCAA swimming competition, also noticed the curious timing of Rapinoe’s declaration

“Notice how earlier this week she announced her retirement. So she’s done playing. This is a classic case of virtue signaling. She wants to be seen as kind. She wants to be seen as inclusive.”

Martina Navratilova, one of the best women tennis players of all time, a lesbian and a serious feminist, objects to men competing in women’s sports.

When a former fan told Navratilova that her stance on trans inclusion in sports had, for this particular user, tarnished Navratilova’s legacy as an iconic out tennis player who advocated for the rights of fellow gay athletes, the former player responded, “Too bad you don’t actually care about women and girls. Too bad. I do.”

“I am on the side of women athletes…I am on the side of the trans community,” Navratilova continued. “When it comes to sports we have biological categories for the obvious reason- biology. Trans people are free to compete- in their biological category. Simple.”

It’s simple to those of us with common sense. According to Gallup, that’s about 70 percent of the American population. Not as simple to the simple-minded ideologues.