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Accidents Waiting To Happen

Worried about door plugs blowing out during air travel? Don’t want to be sucked into the air without a parachute at 35,000 feet? Concerned about Alaska Airlines?

Me too.

Does this make you feel any better?

Good to know the airline has its priorities in order.

Then there’s this. The engineering “Dream Team” from Spirit AeroSystems that reportedly designed that exciting door plug:

And this is a tad concerning:

OK, but that’s just one woke airline that appears to be more concerned with virtue signaling than safety. This can’t be infecting the entire industry, right?

Think again.

It’s not just Jet Blue. Aer Lingus also has a drag queen flight attendant, although it appears he doesn't work in drag but is only featured in an airline ad, touting the Irish carrier’s Pride-friendly atmosphere. 

Wait. There’s more!

United Airlines is staging its annual Pride Flight from San Francisco to Sydney, Australia this year arriving in Australia on March 1, 2024.

Here’s the press release from last year’s grand event that features an all-LGBTQIA flight crew, because United knows that the sexual identity of  the crew is what every passenger cares about most!

Last year’s event was enthusiastically embraced by passengers. Here’s a first-person account of all the onboard fun and games.

This is not a charter flight, by the way. You can book your tickets now.

Am I missing something? Have gays been unable to fly until now?

Back to the DEI hiring, though.

It’s one thing for higher education to be stacked with diversity hires. No one really cares. But there are a few jobs that ought to be immune from this contagion that argues for promotions based on genitalia or melanin.

Medicine, for one. The airline industry for another.

You know, jobs where lives are literally at stake.

Yet the emphasis on DEI in hiring is rampant in the airlines, which laid off or offered early retirement to hordes of employees at the outset of covid, when no one was flying.

Now they are actively trying to fill those vacancies with DEI hires.

United Airlines, for instance, is bragging that its goal is to have at least 50% of its pilots be either women or non-whites. To achieve that the airline is reportedly recruiting heavily from some of the worst-performing colleges in the country.

Read about it, here, on The Daily Wire. If a paywall blocks you, become a subscriber. Totally worth it. The legacy media isn’t reporting any of this.

Not wanting to be left out of woke craze, Southwest Airlines recently announced that it was offering free seats to obese passengers. 

Oops, the airline politely calls them “customers of size.”

Hello! The rest of us are customers of size too. Normal size. It’s delightful to know that we may get bumped to make room for extra-wide passengers who have either asked for two seats at the gate or have paid for one in advance (to save embarrassment) and know they’ll get a refund for that extra ticket later from Southwest. 

You know what most of us want when we fly? A seat and a safe trip. We don’t care about the race, gender or pronouns sexual of the person at the controls or the rest of the flight .

I was once on a Delta flight that had a fire onboard. Well-trained flight attendants prevented a catastrophe. They saved my life and that of every single person that day. Their cool professionalism was impressive.

Delta is now woke, however.

As a Delta passenger I can tell you that when a fire ignited in the cabin no one cared about pronouns, punctuation, skin color or sexual orientation. We wanted well-trained smart flight attendants who knew what to do.

Thankfully, we had that.

Today? I’d worry.

Hire only the best, air industry. Drop the DEI and get back to putting safety first.