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Georgia Prosecutor Plays Victim Card

If you want to play both the victim card AND the racism card, there may be no better place to air your pathetic accusations than in the form of a prayer, inside a church, on the eve of Martin Luther King Day.

Think about it: No pesky members of the press are present to ask uncomfortable questions and best of all, you may even get a few “Amens” from the congregation!

Just ask Fulton County prosecutor Fani Willis.

She’s the DA who charged Donald Trump and 18 co-defendants with Georgia state racketeering violations for interference in the 2020 election.

In recent court filings it’s been alleged that Willis hired her lover, Nathan Wade,  - who had no felony experience - and paid him about $654,000 to work with her on the case.

The two have allegedly gone on lavish vacations together, even though he is still married but in the midst of divorce proceedings.

If these accusations are true and if it can be shown that Wade paid for all or part of these trips, Willis could be charged with “honest service” violations and be in deep hot water herself.

She has not denied the accusations that were first reported by The Atlanta Journal-Constitution.

In church on Sunday, however, Willis responded to the newspaper’s allegations in the form of a prayer. The New York Times reported it this way:

“Wait a minute, God,” Ms. Willis, 52, said from the pulpit of Big Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church, recounting a prayer this week in which she reminded God that the job of district attorney, to which she was elected as a Democrat in 2020, came with more anguish, hardship and loneliness than she had anticipated.

“You did not tell me,” she added, “as a woman of color it would not matter what I did — my motive, my talent, my ability and my character would be constantly attacked.”

Good grief, lady, have a sense of shame. If these accusations are true you behaved in a shockingly unethical - if not illegal - manner. You simply can’t be squandering tax dollars on your boyfriend, whose thin resume in no way seems to qualify him to work on such a complicated legal case.

And if you’re benefiting financially from the arrangement - by allowing your romantic partner to pay for trips out of the public money you’re paying him -  you’re likely breaking the law.

Not everything is about race and gender. Sometimes public officials engage in slimy practices - does Sen. Bob Menendez ring a bell? - and when they do, they risk being exposed.

Frankly, these corruptocrats only have themselves to blame when they find themselves immersed in a scandal.

Someone gently tap Fani Willis on the shoulder and remind her of that.