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Loudoun County Schools Defy FOIA Requests

Luke Rosiak is the best investigative reporter in Virginia. There isn’t a close second.

Several years ago The Daily Wire reporter uncovered Loudoun County Public Schools’ attempts to hide serial bathroom sexual assaults from the public.

Rosiak’s reporting ultimately resulted in the firing of former school superintendent Scott Ziegler. And the election of Gov. Glenn Youngkin who made parents’ rights a cornerstone of his campaign.

Rosiak is tracking down another potential blockbuster but school officials in Loudoun are not cooperating. Apparently they never learn.

The Daily Wire is now headed to court to try to wrench documents from the hands of secretive Loudoun school officials. These documents will reveal just how much public money the county’s school district blew in recent years settling embarrassing lawsuits.

So far, school officials are playing cute with FOIA, pretending that certain so-called privacy laws allow them to keep that information secret.

From The Daily Wire:

The Daily Wire on Tuesday sued the Virginia school system at the center of a rape coverup, stating that Loudoun County Public Schools is violating public records laws by refusing the news outlet’s requests for documentation on legal settlements.

Loudoun, like other school districts throughout the country, has abused “privacy” laws to refuse to turn over basic information under the guise of protecting children’s identities, even if children’s identities would not be exposed. The reference to inapplicable privacy laws suggests the school district’s real purpose may be to hide embarrassing conduct by administrators.

In other words, the school district is hiding behind so-called “privacy laws” to keep the Daily Wire - and us - in the dark.

In addition to asking a judge to force LCPS to release the document, it asks that the court issue “penalties” to LCPS communications officer Dan Adams “and any other Respondent this Court finds substantively involved in the decision to unlawfully withhold documents.”

If The Daily Wire succeeds it will be another David and Goliath legal victory for the tenacious conservative news outlet.

In 2021 The Daily Wire sued the Biden administration claiming OSHA lacked the authority to force private employers with more than 100 workers to mandate the covid vaccine to all employees.

The Daily Wire declared that - win or lose - it would defy the OSHA rule. The company would not force their employees to take a vaccine. Sadly, many other large companies complied.

Ultimately, in a 6-3 decision, the Supreme Court sided with The Daily Wire. And just like that, the unconstitutional vaccine mandate was history.

The public has an absolute right to know if their tax dollars are being used as hush money to cover up unsavory activities in the schools. Let’s hope The Daily Wire prevails again in court and we all get to see what Loudoun County school officials are hiding.