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Biden Aims His Venom At “MAGA” Voters

Jamie Dimon, a billionaire banker from New York, is NOT a Republican. In fact, it’s been reported that the 67-year-old CEO of J.P. Morgan donated about 12 times as much money to Democratic candidates as he did to Republican hopefuls over the past several decades.

The fact that Dimon’s not a member of the GOP and certainly not a Donald Trump supporter made his candid remarks on CNBC this week all the more newsworthy.

In case you missed them:

Dimon is right. Not all of those who will vote for Trump this fall are doing so because they think the former president is a terrific guy and a role model.

They’re pragmatists. They simply look back on the years Trump was in office and realize that even with covid, the country was in much better shape than it is now.

In other words, they’ll vote for the policies not the person.

Don’t expect the left to listen to a smart guy like Dimon, though, who’s telling them to knock off the nasty attacks on Trump supporters. For some reason Democrats seem unable to contain their contempt not just for Trump but for the people who vote for him.

It’s an integral part of the Democrat playbook. In addition to calling Republicans racists and Nazis, they sneer about the stupidity of anyone who doesn’t vote as they do.

For instance, Hillary had her “basket of deplorables” moment, which may very well have cost her the presidency. And for months now, Joe Biden has been seething with animus toward what he calls “MAGA voters.” Biden actually hisses when he says the words.

For a while it was “ultra MAGAS” but when that didn’t catch on he dropped the ultra.

Someone should remind the barely sentient president who leaves every stage like a disoriented Roomba, that he’s the president of all of the United States. Not just of New York and California. Those voters he’s treating with utter contempt are his fellow citizens. The very people he promised to serve for four years. He may even need some of their votes if he’s to be re-elected this fall.

Hearing a president mock almost half of the electorate is distasteful. Definitely not smart. Then again, it’s Biden. Smart isn’t in his toolbox.

It’s not just Joe, of course. His half-wit sidekick, Kamala Harris, went on The View this week and told the Mensa members on the panel that she’s “scared as heck” of the crazies who support Trump.

That’s not the way to win the hearts and minds of your adversaries.

It’s one thing to express loathing for a political opponent. That’s expected. But mocking your opponent’s supporters is lousy politics. Especially if you’re hoping to persuade those “crazies” to vote for your guy.

One thing’s certain.

We won’t be seeing much more of Jamie Dimon on corporate media outlets between now and the election. He makes too much sense.