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Biggest Story of 2024: The Biden Cover-Up

This is it. Our last post of 2024.

You know what that means: Time to look back on the past year and find the single most important news story.

It’s easy this year.

And no, it wasn’t the improbable Donald Trump victory, after months of coordinated lawfare against him by Democrats, although that feat was astonishing.

Nope, a bigger story was the massive deception by White House insiders - with the help of legacy media - to hide President Joe Biden’s deteriorating mental condition from the public.

Hell, here’s a sample of the gaslighting that went on in Washington for four years.

Here’s a prediction: The recent Wall Street Journal expose “How The White House Functioned With a Diminished Biden In Charge” is just the beginning. It won’t be long before other former aides start spilling the tea on the lengths they went to to hide Biden’s dementia from the American people.

From the earliest days of his presidency, Biden was frail and out of gas.

“Yet a sign that the bruising presidential schedule needed to be adjusted for Biden’s advanced age had arisen early on—in just the first few months of his term. Administration officials noticed that the president became tired if meetings went long and would make mistakes.”

Biden rarely met with cabinet officers or Democrat congressional members. His staff “bodied” him at every turn preventing the press and public from getting a close look at him. His aides censored negative news stories and poll data, allowing Biden to believe he was popular and ahead of Trump in the polls, which likely led to his stupid decision to challenge Trump to a June debate.

Someday, a real investigative journalist or a presidential historian will publish an unblinking account of what was going on behind closed doors at the White House to hide the leader of the Free World from the people. Finally, we will understand the danger they placed the entire country in during this enormous fraud.

Until that tell-all happens, we should say a collective prayer of thanksgiving that Biden didn’t screw up the country and world affairs worse than he did.

Twenty more days.