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Judge Juan Merchan Is A National Disgrace

We knew it was coming. There were no surprises yesterday afternoon.

Yet, actually hearing that Democrats had succeeded in convicting a former president and the likely next president of the United States of fictitious felonies while not even requiring a unanimous jury verdict in a shameless show trial was a jolt.

Just the jolt many of us needed.

This was a tipping point. A wake-up call.  A final sign that things are not right in America and won’t be right until the current regime is ousted.

It’s time to stop being embarrassed to say you’re supporting Trump, but to declare it loudly. 

Democrats are right about one thing: Our democracy is in danger. Not from Republicans, from themselves. 

It’s clear the left will stop at nothing to retain power. They are willing to use the judiciary - banana-republic style - to punish their enemies. In order to try to block Trump’s return to the White House they unearthed a blatantly partisan judge who was willing to put not just his thumb on the scales of justice but his entire derriere.

Judge Juan Merchan is a national disgrace. Prosecutor Alvin Bragg should be disbarred. Biden should lose in a landslide next November.

By the time Merchan’s convoluted jury instructions were given to the 12 New Yorkers who sat in judgment on Trump, there were no surprises left. A conviction was guaranteed, despite flimsy evidence presented by a sleazy, lying lawyer and a prostitute.

The only question was how long jurors would lollygag in the jury room pretending to deliberate before emerging with Merchan’s prize: Convictions on all charges.

This Manhattan jury would have convicted Trump of murder if asked. 

As I watched the sham trial unfold over the past six weeks, I realized it eerily echoed the dystopian pessimism of Franz Kafka’s “The Trial,” a book published in 1925 about a man caught in a nightmare trial for a crime which is never explained, either to him or to the reader.

In the end, Kafka’s law-abiding, befuddled bank clerk is convicted and executed.

There is no death penalty for whatever it is Trump was convicted of, but Biden and his goons in the legal system believe they killed Trump’s triumphant return to the White House.

They went too far this time. Americans are appalled. Trump’s website crashed as newly minted supporters rushed to donate to his campaign.

Biden may rue the day he unleashed the courts on a political opponent. So what if a special prosecutor said he was too old and incompetent to be tried for his crimes of stealing classified documents? Biden’s posse claim he’s “sharp.” His turn at the defense table may be coming.

“The Democrats just set the country on fire,” declared Harvard Law grad and conservative podcaster Ben Shapiro yesterday.

Trump himself predicted this heavy-handed move by the Democrats would backfire.

“The real verdict is going to be November 5th by the people." 

A reckoning is due. Vote as if the future of our republic is stake.