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The Times Twists The News

Maybe it’s because I’m reading Nellie Bowles’ eye-opening exposé of The New York Times, “Morning After The Revolution.” Or maybe it’s because I worked in daily newspapers for 42 years and had a front-row seat to the transformation of newspapers from news reporting organizations into left-wing propaganda sheets.

Whatever the reason, this headline in yesterday’s New York Times made my eyes start twitching:

It’s subtle, but do you see what they did here? They took a horrific story about a 12-year-old Houston girl who was abducted, raped and murdered by two illegal immigrants and twisted it into a commentary on evil Republicans.

The GOP is using the incident as a “flashpoint” to “attack President Biden over his immigration policies, ” asserted The Times.

After referring to the two murder suspects sweetly as “Venezuelan migrants” The Times added:

Suddenly the killing, which had ripped apart a Houston family, became the latest flashpoint in the debate over immigration, seized on by Republicans and immigration opponents who drew a direct line between the crime and President Biden’s policies at the border.

Gov. Greg Abbott of Texas urged the death penalty for the men charged in the killing, adding that Jocelyn “would be alive today if Biden enforced immigration laws at the border.” Senator Ted Cruz of Texas agreed. So did former President Donald J. Trump.

You know why Abbott, Cruz and Trump agree that Biden’s catastrophic open border policy allowed this to happen? Because it did.

By some accounts, these human hairbags were in the country less than 100 days when police say they grabbed this little girl, dragged her under a bridge, raped her for two hours, strangled her and threw her in the river. Like a piece of debris.

Little Jocelyn Nungaray fought like hell but wasn’t strong enough to fend off two grown men. Her attackers had bite and claw marks when they were arrested. No doubt there’s DNA under her fingernails to nail these two.

Is this the only case of illegals committing violent crimes in the U.S.? Of course not. In February, Laken Riley, a Georgia nursing student was murdered by an illegal while out jogging. Rachel Morin, 37, was raped and killed also while jogging last year in Maryland. There are many more rapes and attacks. Too many to list here.

The Times couldn’t simply report about this murder without acting as apologists for the Biden administration, which has allowed as many as 11 million unvetted illegals into the country in the last three years, including at least 50 with possible ties to Isis who are now being hunted by federal law enforcement.

It’s not just murders and rapes being committed by illegals, but gang-related violence and robberies.

The Times conceded as much.

Even in Democratic-led New York City, police officials this year suggested that the arrival of large numbers of migrants, including on buses paid for by Texas, had created a “migrant crime wave.”

But always remembering their duty to woke ideology and the Biden administration, The Times quickly added:

But despite a number of high-profile cases, studies have found that migrants commit fewer crimes than legal residents.

Pardon my language, but I’m calling B.S. on that.

Every single illegal in the country is a criminal. They broke our immigration laws to get here.

There’s a reason that virtually almost every poll shows a majority of Americans in favor of deporting illegals.

Deportations will never happen as long as Democrats are in the White House.