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Biden's Disastrous Debate

Well, there’s no hiding it now.

Joe Biden is a dried up, confused husk of a man. All the lies that have been spouted by his sycophants about how energetic and “sharp” the president is were dispelled last night. After watching his somnambulant performance it makes you wonder what’s going on in the White House. Who’s really in charge while the president is shuffling aimlessly around in his robe?

America saw the shockingly feeble condition of their president up close last night. He’s a man whose mouth falls open repeatedly as he gazes into nothingness, like a nursing home resident. He rambles. Loses his train of thought.

Imagine how sorry Biden would have looked if he hadn’t spent a week preparing for the debate.

Biden looked like a corpse in Atlanta while initially sounding like someone jacked up on speed. He began by talking too fast and in just a few minutes he short-circuited. Biden had memorized a few tropes and he quickly trotted out lie after debunked lie about his opponent: That Trump told people to inject bleach into their veins, that Trump called WWI war dead “suckers and losers,” that Trump said there were “very fine people” on both sides in Charlottesville.

Less than 30 minutes in, Biden predictably pimped out his dead son, claiming that Beau came back from Iraq with brain cancer. Beau was diagnosed with cancer four years after his return. He died two years later. Losing a child is devastating. Dragging out your dead son in a shameless plea for sympathy at every opportunity is vulgar.

There won’t be a second presidential debate in September, if Biden is still on the ticket. Trump would be a fool to agree to one. Let the public ruminate on what they saw on June 27th.

No one will remember what was said.

As Chris Wallace lamented last night on CNN, Biden’s debate performance “sunk his campaign.”

My question is, what sort of monster is Jill Biden - just how much does she crave being First Lady - that she would let the man she supposedly loves continue to run for president in this condition? Yet there she was, leading lunatic cheers for “Four more years!” at the Biden after-party.

This woman is awful.

Will the Democrats dump Biden? No doubt they want to deep six him. Question is, how to do it? How do they replace Biden without nominating Kamala Harris, who’s even less popular than the president?

Was this the plan all along? Did Democrat power brokers agree to lie incessantly and hide the condition of the president until the primaries were over so voters would have no say in his Democrat successor? Did they deliberately let Biden go out there and embarrass himself so they could do a swap? Was this why they asked for an early debate, so they could handpick someone else to run?

If you were watching CNN last night, it looked like a wake. Their panel of weepy leftists acknowledged that Democrats were in a “panic” over the “disaster” of a debate. One panelist said they should be “praying” for the president.

Biden is behind in almost every poll. He needed a strong performance to change the momentum. Watch Trump start to pull away in the polls after Biden’s disasterous performance.

The contrast between Trump’s vigor and Biden’s incoherence was stunning.

It didn’t matter that Trump didn’t have a great debate. He artfully pivoted from some questions to turn the attention to Biden’s failed presidency. Too often, though, he took the bait and engaged in petty defenses of his record.

I wished, when Trump was asked about his age, that instead of bragging about his cognitive tests and golf handicap he’d just said something like “We’re standing side by side, let the voters decide which of us has the stamina to lead the country.”

I also wished Trump brought up many issues. He should have nailed Biden on the antisemitism that’s spreading across the nation. “We just had a pogrom in Los Angeles last weekend. These are your voters, Joe!”

The bar for Biden was so low - he just had to look alive - that it’s amazing the president couldn’t power over it.

The Democrats are in trouble. Let’s see what they do next.