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Why Were Drag Queens At The Olympics?

No, I didn’t see the controversial Olympic opening ceremonies in Paris.

There are clips and images available, however, and I’ve seen enough to be glad I wasn’t watching.

Apparently, it was part pageantry, part freak show.

Raising one big question: Who thought it would be entertaining to mock The Last Supper at the Olympics?

OK, a second big question:  What do drag queens have to do with the Olympics?

I get it. Christians are fair game. Yes, we become offended when beliefs we hold sacred are ridiculed, but everyone knows all we ever do is bellyache and boycott. We don’t issue fatwahs or riot in the streets.

Still, it would be nice if the woke world showed the same respect for the faiths of Christians and Jews as it does for Islam.

Aware that the display had turned stomachs and caused an uproar, the spokeswoman for the Paris Olympics said this, which has been widely characterized as an apology:

"Clearly there was never an intention to show disrespect to any religious group. On the contrary, I think (with) Thomas Jolly, we really did try to celebrate community tolerance," 2024 Olympics spokeswoman Anne Descamps said. “Looking at the result of the polls that we shared, we believe that this ambition was achieved. If people have taken any offense, we are, of course, really, really sorry.”

Nice try, lady.

But “I’m sorry if you were offended”  is not an apology. Not even close. It places the blame on the people who were offended, not on the blasphemous clown show staged by French organizers.

Yes, I’m aware that some are now claiming this twisted display only accidentally looked like the Last Supper. We may be believers, but we aren’t stupid. And that still doesn't answer the question of why drag queens were included in the opening ceremonies at all.

Worse, why was a trans child included in this sick sideshow? That celebrates the most appalling example of child abuse and mutilation.

C-Spire, the 6th largest cell provider in the U.S, has pulled its ads from the Olympics. Excellent. That’s one way to express disgust.

Others are saying they will boycott even watching the Olympics.

Not me.

The Olympians had nothing to do with the opening ceremonies They worked their tails off for years preparing for the games. Why wouldn’t I want to see the very best athletes in the world compete for Olympic medals? Why cheat the competitors out of the enthusiastic audiences they deserve?

Naturally, woke “Dr.” Jill Biden, who’s at the Olympics for some reason, pronounced the opening ceremonies “Spectacular”.

“Every step of the way I was thinking to myself oh my God, oh my God, how are we going to top this?” she gushed.

Here’s an idea for Los Angeles in 2028: Let’s not try.