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Hey Dems, J.D. Vance Isn't Weird. You Are.

Here are five words I never thought I’d utter: I agree with Thomas Friedman.

The tiresome New York Times columnist, who’s spent the past eight years as part of a Greek chorus of Trump haters, actually wrote something worth reading this week. In a column headlined, “Democrats Could Regret Calling Trump and His Supporters Weird” Friedman called out his political pals for their latest assault on the GOP ticket.

If you’ve had even accidental contact with corporate media in the past few days you know that a new set of DNC talking points went out late last week. They directed political operatives and members of the media to begin characterizing J.D. Vance - and by extension, Trump and their supporters - as “weird.”

Naturally, Democrat bootlickers in the press gleefully complied, unaware of how transparently stupid they sounded, as they all began to sing off the same page of their leftist hymnals.

This is an odd line of attack from the party that doesn’t know what a woman is, that believes men can have babies, that insists we use plural pronouns for individuals, that supports the castration and mutilation of young children, that wants males showering and changing with females and competing against them in sports. Kamala Harris and her gang believe in housing men who pretend to be women in female prisons and they want taxpayers to foot the bill for their gender transitions and hormones. They support abortion up until the moment of birth. Oh, and they mandated experimental vaccines for millions of Americans and forced 2-year-olds to wear masks during covid. They don’t believe in cash bail and they have a soft spot for Hamas.

Did I leave anything out from the party of normalcy?

Friedman, in his Monday column, warned that calling the right “weird” will backfire and further alienate the very voters Kamala Harris needs to win the election:

I cannot think of a sillier, more playground, more foolish and more counterproductive political taunt for Democrats to seize on than calling Trump and his supporters “weird.”

But weird seems to be the word of the week…

It is now a truism that if Democrats have any hope of carrying key swing states and overcoming Trump’s advantages in the Electoral College, they have to break through to white, working-class, non-college-educated men and women, who, if they have one thing in common, feel denigrated and humiliated by Democratic, liberal, college-educated elites. They hate the people who hate Trump more than they care about any Trump policies. Therefore, the dumbest message Democrats could seize on right now is to further humiliate them as “weird.”

What Friedman doesn’t say is that Democrats can’t help themselves. They believe they are superior to conservatives and they can’t hide their arrogance.

Remember Hillary’s “deplorable” remarks?

Fact is, J.D. Vance is what has always been considered a normal man. Admirable even. Only in the twisted imaginations of the godless far left is someone who’s happily married and believes in family and faith mocked as “weird.”

They seem worried that if Vance gets near the White House cross-dressing men who engage in “pup play” and steal women’s luggage won’t be put in charge of our country’s nuclear waste. They’re probably right.

Vance grew up fatherless and poor in Ohio. His mother was an addict. He was reared by grandparents from Kentucky. Fresh out of high school Vance joined the Marine Corps, served in Iraq, came back and went to Ohio State on the GI Bill.

He graduated with honors in two years and went to Yale Law School where he met his wife.

Usha Vance is a successful lawyer who once clerked for Chief Justice Roberts. The couple have three young kids.

Oh, and Vance goes to church every week.

Weird, huh? Imagine a guy like that serving as vice president!

Well, the tsumani of backlash Friedman predicted from the “weird campaign” has hit the shore.

And it’s delicious.
