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Markets Don’t Like Uncertainty And That’s All We Have Right Now

It’s unsettling. All of it.

Four years of record-setting inflation, a coup that forced Biden out of the race for president, the attempted assassination of Donald Trump, hair-trigger tensions in the MidEast and now this: A meltdown in the stock markets.

I’m not an economist but you don’t have to be one to know that the financial markets don’t like uncertainty and that’s all we have in the world right now.

The U.S. has a zombie president - no one knows who’s making decisions in the White House - and San Francisco socialist waiting in the wings.

What could possibly go wrong?

Our political weakness is encouraging international bad actors to act and Bidenomics has triggered our suddenly volatile economy.

We’re in trouble.

As someone who protested the covid lockdowns from day one, I can’t help but ask if the trillions of dollars blown in covid relief (begun under Trump but compounded over and over by Biden), combined with the catastrophic $2 trillion “Inflation Reduction Act” (Kamala Harris cast the deciding vote in favor, remember) haven’t absolutely plundered the American economy, driving the nation into unfathomable debt.

Leaving the Monday stock market crash aside, three and a half years of Biden/Harris inflationary policies have led to a crippling 21.2% increase in the price of groceries, a 29% jump in the cost of electric, a 21.2% hike in rents and a 22% increase in car insurance.

I could go on with category after category of sharp price increases, but who needs the litany when we’re all living through this hell of astronomical prices?

Does anyone actually believe that Kamala’s socialist policies - higher taxes, more spending, more handouts, more illegals, more benefits for illegals  - would do anything good for the country?

At some point Washington has to stop printing money, deport illegals and stop endless handouts.

Biden has all but disappeared and the Democrat nominee for president won’t hold a press conference or answer unscripted questions.

When caught on a tarmac six days ago and asked what he thought his presidential legacy was, a delusional Joe Biden responded this way:

He CURED the economy? 

God help us.