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MS-13 Gang Member Welcome At Loudoun County High School

Lord knows, we tried to warn the good people of Loudoun County. We told them that Aaron Spence - formerly the Virginia Beach schools chief - was not a great hire 

Pity they didn’t listen.

Emmy-award winning TV journalist, Nick Minock is now reporting that Loudoun schools will allow a student to attend a public high school despite his ties to the violent street gang, MS-13.

Worse, this student was arrested in spring  of 2023 for carrying a loaded gun after threatening a middle school student.

He’s now in high schoo.

If I had a child in Loudoun Valley High School - where he’s reportedly a student - I’d remove him or her TODAY. And I’d keep my kid home until the alleged gang member is gone. Loudoun County Public School policy #8220 requires his suspension, according to Minock.

Why in the world would any school district allow an MS-13 affiliated student to enroll? Especially one with this criminal background. Shouldn’t student safety be a top priority? Haven’t we seen enough school shootings by now?

Minock decided to ask school officials about this dangerous decision:

Last week and on Monday, 7News emailed Loudoun County Public Schools questions about the situation. 7News asked what LCPS is doing to make sure LCPS students are safe from gang activity, violence, and gun violence and why did LCPS allow the student to attend Loudoun Valley High School this year after he was arrested in May 2023 after he was caught carrying a gun and he threatened to kill a fellow middle school student


So Minock turned to Loudoun County Sheriff Mike Chapman.

Chapman’s answer is full of bureaucratic gibberish, but at least the sheriff didn’t hide under his desk like Team Spence.

I'm aware of your concern in this particular person,” said Chapman. “We're doing everything we can within our power to monitor what's going on to work within the system, to make sure that everybody that needs to know about this knows about it, and that we're keeping good track on this. We're doing everything, I think, that we [can] possibly do under the circumstances. Our job is to keep people safe and we really take that to heart and we do everything we can in our power to make sure we’re delivering the best service that we possibly can.”

And 7News asked Chapman if it concerns him that an LCPS student has ties to MS-13.

“Anybody that's got ties, and anybody that might pose a threat to anybody else it does concern us,” said Chapman. “And we look into those things very carefully, but we've got to do it in conjunction with the school.

In other words, both the schools and the sheriff’s office are going to twiddle their thumbs, wait and watch. 

At the first burst of gunfire, they’ll go in and grab the dirtbag, no doubt. Until then, Officer Friendly, the school resource officer, will be checking in with the little gangbanger.

What could possibly go wrong, Mr. Spence?