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Get The Men Out Of Women’s Prisons

As is their custom, The New York Times buried the lede.

In a January 23 story headlined “Trump Bars Transgender Women From U.S. Prisons for Female Inmates” you had to endure 11 paragraphs of leftist drivel before you hit the REAL news”

There are about 1,500 federal prisoners who are transgender women, according to the Bureau of Prisons. But they represent an outsize portion of federal inmates, especially among female prisoners: 15 percent of women in prison are transgender.

Chew on that, friends.

FIFTEEN percent of female federal prison cells are occupied right now by men. Pedophiles, rapists, abusers and every other weirdo flavor under the rainbow. Housed with actual women.

The Times of course, is playing a sad violin for these poor men who are about to lose their bras, their lipstick and their access to real women.

Shoot, the writer even attempts to make the “Women’s Liberation Front,” sound like a radical organization.

The Women’s Liberation Front, which defines women based on sex at birth and advocates single-sex prisons, called the directive “a major victory.” The group is challenging a California law that allows prisoners to request housing that aligns with their gender identity. It argues that the law violates the constitutional rights of female inmates who are not transgender, including the Eighth Amendment right to protection from cruel and unusual punishment.

Imagine, a group that advocates for single-sex prisons! How radical.

I hesitate to remind the Times, but prisons have always been single sex. When we sentence wrongdoers to incarceration we do not turn the prisons into places where vulnerable women can be preyed upon by men, or places where they can engage in copulation. They are housed with other women. Or they were, until the wokesters got control of the federal government.

Either a lot of men are pretending to be female to get out of doing hard time in men’s prisons or so-called “trans” people commit a lot of crime.

My favorite part of the Times sob story was this:

Halting treatment can reverse those effects. Jasmine Tasaki, a transgender woman who has been in prison and is now executive director of Black and Pink, a national organization that advocates on behalf of incarcerated L.G.B.T.Q. people, said taking it away from inmates would cause depression.

“If someone is taking hormones and they have breasts, their breasts would leave. Can you imagine as a woman watching your breasts leave?” she said.

No sir, I cannot imagine watching my breasts “leave.”

Because I’m a woman. I don’t need to take meds for the rest of my life to make tissue in my chest swell.

Look, if grown men want to play dress up, that’s fine. If they want to castrate themselves and pump their bodies full of hormones to try to fool the rest of us into thinking they’re women, that’s fine too.

But if they don’t want to spend time in a men’s prison there’s a simple solution: Don’t commit crimes.

Because if you do, your male derriere is going to be right there with the rest of the boys.

There’s a new sheriff in town and it isn’t the nincompoop who advocated for taxpayers to pay for sex change procedures for illegals in prison. Thank God.

It’s preposterous that we need an executive order to keep biological males out of female prisons but such is the insanity the left has unleashed on our country.