Virginia’s HOT Lanes. Not So Hot.
Remember when Gov. Terry McAuliffe’s administration unveiled plans to install fabulous new HOT (High-Occupancy Toll) lanes I-66 in Northern Virginia?
Remember when The Washington Post reported in 2015 that the cost for solo drivers to hop into the carpool lanes was estimated to be about $7 a trip?
Remember when some of us predicted that blue collar and low-level federal workers would be condemned to the Lunchpail Lanes while Washington fat cats would zip along in the Lamborghini Lanes?
Remember when we also pointed out that those roads were built with taxpayer dollars and ought to be open to everyone?
Well, the HOT lanes opened on Monday. Let’s see how that “dynamic pricing” is working, shall we?
Screenshot courtesy of Patrick Madden at WAMU
According to my abacus, that’s $73 a day, $365 a week, $17,885 a year - allowing for three weeks vacay.
Tolls reached 40 bucks at one point. Commuters are going to need a trust fund to pay that.
Oh, and HOT lanes are coming to Hampton Roads. Can’t wait.