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Save Us Georgia!

Save Us Georgia!

Let’s look on the bright side, shall we? 

Their timing couldn’t be better.

I’m talking about the Democratic governors and mayors who are madly churning out heavy-handed, probably unconstitutional edicts to ruin Thanksgiving.

Christmas is next.

First it was California’s Gov. Gavin Newsom declaring that all Thanksgiving dinners must be consumed outside, cannot last more than two hours, masks must be worn, food cannot be passed from person to person and no one can go inside to tinkle unless the bathroom is sterilized. That sounds like a lot of fun.

Then other governors, like New York’s Andrew Cuomo joined in, ordering a 10-person limit on how many guests people can have in their homes.

And the mayor of Chicago - after shouting maskless through a megaphone at a massive street celebration for Biden a few days earlier - told her subjects to “cancel your Thanksgiving plans.” When questioned about her hypocrisy she launched into some gibberish about how people needed some “relief.”

When you combine these dictatorial actions with Joe Biden’s promise of a national mask mandate, the revelation that one of Biden’s nutty coronavirus advisors is begging for a four to six week national lockdown to kill off the virus and the remaining small businesses in America, while another one of his kooks believes we should get in line behind other countries - like China! - for the Covid-19 vaccine, you’ve got a recipe for rejection at the polls.

And that’s why the timing is terrific. The people of Georgia, who will be electing two senators the first week in January, are getting something the rest of America didn’t have before heading to the polls earlier this month: 

A peek at what Joe Biden’s dark winter will look like.

It’s not pretty.

It’s a dire place, where people lose their liberties, their jobs and their ability to support their families. It’s a place where government will tell you how many people you can have at your dinner table and whether you can go to your church or synagogue and once there whether you can sing.

Unthinkable intrusions from the state.

It gets worse. Yesterday the sainted Dr. Fauci, who might as well have been Biden’s campaign manager, warned that Americans will have to continue to wear masks after taking the vaccine.

That’s a hard no, Doc. 

But thanks for letting the voters of Georgia know what’s coming if they flip the Senate blue.

Conservatives in Academia?

Conservatives in Academia?

Man, That’s the Last Time I Say Something Nice about the Guy!

Man, That’s the Last Time I Say Something Nice about the Guy!