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Sack The Scarf

Sack The Scarf

Fire her. Please, President Trump.

I’m taking about the coordinator of the White House response to the coronavirus, Dr. Deborah “The Scarf” Birx.

Sack her.

Toss her and her obscenely expensive array of neckwear on the lawn. Tell her she’s been exposed as just one more phony telling Americans what to do while doing exactly as she pleases.

It’s time we made an example of at least one of America’s Covid hypocrites. Unfortunately, most of these two-faced morons are elected. She’s appointed.

Lift our spirits, Mr. President, and can her.

More about what Birx did in a moment.

Are you starting to suspect that government officials know something about the virus the rest of us don’t?They try to gin up hysteria in the masses while they quietly laugh at us as they violate their own rules.

Remember Ralph Northam, leaning in for selfies on the Boardwalk last spring after lecturing everyone about masks and social distancing?

Then there was Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot getting a hair stylist to secretly cut her hair after ordering hair salons closed to ordinary, decent Chicagoans.

 And how about Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s husband traveling 184 miles to their vacation home - to “rake leaves” - after she forbid all but “critical travel” during her Stay Home, Stay Safe executive order. 

Who could forget Nancy Pelosi, convincing a San Francisco hair stylist to violate orders that kept salons closed so she could get her hair done without wearing a mask?

Oh, and there was Massachusetts Lt. Gov. Karyn Polito last spring ordering people to cancel graduations celebrations, but then throwing a party for her nephews.

More recently, California Gov. Gavin Newsom was caught dining indoors at one of the country’s most exclusive restaurants without a mask in sight after telling Californians they should avoid crowds and indoor eating and lower their masks only between bites.

Just last week Rhode Island Gov. Gina Raimondo was photographed maskless (of course) violating her own stay-at-home order during her statewide “Pause” as she chilled with pals at a “wine and paint” party.

Now this: According to the Associated Press, Birx was caught traveling at Thanksgiving to “one” of her vacation homes on Fenwick Island, Delaware with three generations of her family. 

After she sternly warned the rest of us to limit our holiday celebrations to members of our own immediate households. If we didn’t want to die, that is.

Worse, in a statement, the smug woman didn’t apologize but instead metaphorically tossed her scarf and sniffed that the purpose of the trip was to prepare the house for sale.

After The Associated Press raised questions about her Thanksgiving weekend travels, Birx acknowledged in a statement that she went to her Delaware property. She declined to be interviewed.

She insisted the purpose of the roughly 50-hour visit was to deal with the winterization of the property before a potential sale — something she says she previously hadn’t had time to do because of her busy schedule.

“I did not go to Delaware for the purpose of celebrating Thanksgiving,” Birx said in her statement, adding that her family shared a meal together while in Delaware.

Birx said that everyone on her Delaware trip belongs to her “immediate household,” even as she acknowledged they live in two different homes.

Looks like Scarfy was just “following the science” that says the virus waits to see if you’re eating a turkey dinner or winterizing one of your vacay homes before attacking.

I can’t be the only person done with these do-as-I-say-not-as-I-do officials.

They don’t deserve our respect, let alone our obedience.

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