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Statues Topple. Pelosi Shrugs.

Statues Topple. Pelosi Shrugs.

Nancy Pelosi is indifferent to the epidemic of illegal statue toppling that is sweeping the nation.

Shoot, the Speaker of the House isn’t even pretending she cares about the destruction of public property by unhinged vandals.

When asked by a reporter if it wouldn’t be better to leave the future of statues up to elected bodies, Pelosi launched into a rambling dissertation about what she tells children when they tour the Capitol.

But what about the unruly mobs armed with sledge hammers, accelerants and ropes? What about the lunatics that just knocked down a Columbus statue in Baltimore and threw it in the harbor?

“People will do what they do,” Pelosi said with a frozen smile and a shrug.

If I were a moderate Democrat I’d find Pelosi’s glib reaction outrageous. She may think that siding with rampaging anarchists is a sign that she’s a woke octogenarian, but what it tells ordinary people is that Nancy and the Democrats she leads have lost their way.

Not exactly where you want to be when you’re courting the independents, soccer moms and suburbanites who will be voting for president and Congress in four months.

The violence that is rocking urban centers from coast to coast is unacceptable. You’re either with the criminals or you’re with those who favor the rule of law.

Time to pick a side. Looks like Nancy’s picked hers.

This surge in violence, coupled with demands by Democrats to defund the police, is partly responsible for soaring firearm sales - a record 81,000 guns were sold last month in Virginia alone - and the start of what may eventually become an exodus from some of America’s most dangerous cities.

Pelosi may not care if the U.S. turns into a banana republic where seething mobs denounce capitalism and attack American heroes and history, but that’s not what most of us want.

Thanks to Pelosi and others, the Democrats now own what’s going on in the streets. Nancy seems to think embracing lawbreakers is a winning strategy. 

God help us if she’s right.

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