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Goons Masquerading As Patriots Stormed The US Capitol

Goons Masquerading As Patriots Stormed The US Capitol

After the election of 2016, when angry Hillary supporters were marching in vagina hats and Madonna shrieked to a cheering crowd in Washington that she’d thought about blowing up Trump’s White House and a deranged Bernie supporter opened fire on Republican congressmen on a baseball field, gravely injuring Rep. Steve Scalise, I was irate.

Your candidate didn’t win, I said. Deal with it.

When American cities were set ablaze last summer, when businesses burned, people were killed, statues were toppled and police were spat upon, while mayors and governors did nothing and Democrats during their own convention said nothing, I called it an insurrection.

Yesterday, as I watched a deranged mob storm the U.S. Capitol, terrorize our elected officials, engage in combat with Capitol police and defile one of our hallowed buildings. I was horrified.

These thugs want to turn our country into an unstable banana republic. In fact, they went one better than their left-wing counterparts, unleashing their brand of anarchy inside one of the most iconic symbols of our republic. A building that, but for the heroism of those on board United 93, might have been demolished by Islamic terrorists on September 11, 2001.

Worse, they did it on a day when our elected representatives were gathered in Washington to affirm the electoral college votes - an institution conservatives hold dear.

President Donald Trump, who should have immediately condemned the violence and ordered those who claimed to be his followers to stop, couldn’t manage it. Instead he said the election was fraudulent, that he loved the mob and tepidly told them to go home, proving once again his instincts are terrible.

As a result, Trump’s legacy of low unemployment, prosperity, deregulation and peace initiatives in the Middle East are in danger of being swept away because he failed to rise to the terrible occasion and behave like a president.

At least the left-wing scum admit that they hate America. Yesterday’s mob was waving flags and claimed to be patriots.

They aren’t. They’re thugs. No better than BLM rioters or Antifa punks. 

Same anti-social behavior, different chants.

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