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Rashida Tlaib Wants YOU To Pay Off Her Student Loans

Rashida Tlaib Wants YOU To Pay Off Her Student Loans

It’s hard to decide if Rep. Rashida Tlaib is the most repugnant member of The Squad or simply the dumbest. 

Let’s go with the latter. For today anyway.

This anti-semitic socialist from Michigan’s most Democratic district - the 13th - holds every wacky, far-left position imaginable: She wants to abolish ICE, the police and incarceration. She also supports anti-Israel movements like BDS, Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions against the Jewish state.

Oh, and she wants the federal government to bail out student debt because paying back loans interferes with so much that’s fun in life. 

Ask me how I know.

In sounding off about how crushing college debt can be, Tlaib this weekend accidentally made the case for just the opposite.

"I worked full time, Monday through Friday, and took weekend classes to get my law degree. And still, close to $200,000 in debt. And I still owe over $70,000 and most of it was interest," Tlaib on the House floor. “And guess what? I didn’t go to the for-profit entities, I went to legal aid, I worked at the nonprofit organization fighting for the right to breathe clean air, to fight for the worker that was getting their wage taken and stolen from their employer. I went and worked on immigrant rights and so much more.” 

Tlaib makes $174,000 a year as a member of Congress. She’s been earning that fat salary since 2019.

In other words, she slurps up $120,510 more per year than the average American does, according to the latest figures from the U.S. Department of Labor Statistics. The average annual income in this country is just $53,490.

Yet this clueless Michigan elitist believes that the working people of America - including those who didn’t go to college, who aren’t members of the upper crust - should help pay off her school loans.

Tlaib is emblematic of what’s happened recently to the Democratic Party (although she’s technically a Democratic Socialist). The left no longer represents or cares about the working class. They’re the party of entitlements and foolish ideas.

Another case in point: Pete Buttigieg’s laughable declaration last week that families who buy electric cars “never have to worry about gas prices again.”

I’ll tell you what they DO have to worry about: Finding the dough to buy an electric car. According to “Car and Driver Magazine,” the average cost of a new electric car is $55,600.

That’s more than the annual earnings - before taxes - of an average American worker. 

Wake up, Pete.

But back to Tlaib: There is no reason I can think of that a bus driver, who didn’t go to college and who earns about $50k a year and who may have a mortgage and a car payment, should be chipping in to allow Ms. Tlaib to escape the financial obligation that she voluntarily assumed.

No one made Tlaib go to college and then law school. No one made Tlaib take out loans to get that education. No one made her work for non-profits once she was out of school. She made those choices, just as she signed contracts promising to repay the money she borrowed.

The fact that the congresswoman earns $174,000 a year, is 45 years old and still hasn’t paid off her loans is a sign that she can’t manage her money.

Her little diatribe about debt isn’t likely to evoke much sympathy from ordinary decent people who believe in the quaint notion that when you borrow money you’re supposed to pay it back.

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Bob Dole 1923-2021

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