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Texas Yahoos Flee State, Refuse To Work.

Texas Yahoos Flee State, Refuse To Work.

If optics matter - and they do - Texas Democrats looked like an unserious mob of yahoos this week.

And that’s exactly what they are.

Rather than doing their jobs as public servants, most Democratic members of the Texas House of Representatives fled the state Monday, to deprive the Republican majority of the quorum needed to hold a special session where voter integrity laws were up for debate. 

More than 50 of these grinning, maskless nuts boarded two chartered jets and flew with a case of Miller Lite to Washington DC. Meanwhile, Americans peons are still forced to wear face diapers when they travel by air.

The optics were terrible.

Now these dopes want folks to believe that this is “not a vacation, not a junket” but an act of “sacrifice” as they leave behind their constituents and their sworn duties to camp out in Washington until early August.

Who should we believe, the politicians or our own eyes?

Try as Democrats might to portray election bills as voting restrictions, a majority of folks actually believe that it’s just good government to require ID before voting. Putting an end to unsolicited mail-in ballot requests makes sense and protects the integrity of mail-in voting, so does increasing the hours of early voting.

If these Texas Democrats had persuasive arguments against the bill, they should have stayed and fought. Instead they ran and made a spectacle of themselves.

When Republicans in Oregon pulled a similar vanishing act in February of 2020, to thwart a climate bill, they were pilloried by the press. These Texas knuckleheads should get the same treatment. 

They won’t, of course, because the woke mob in the mainstream media agrees with their goals.

As a matter of fact, the fugitives were squired around Capitol Hill Tuesday by prominent Democrats and treated like heroes.

President Joe Biden lauded their courage. Vice President Kamala Harris cleared her calendar and huddled with them Tuesday afternoon at the American Federation of Teachers headquarters near the Capitol, reported the Dallas Morning News. 

“I know what you have done comes with great sacrifice, both personal and political,” Harris told them. “You are fighters.”

Chartered jets, cross country flights without masks and all the beer you can drink?

Some sacrifice.

When the political desperadoes set foot again in Texas, they may be arrested and brought to the Texas state legislature.

That, too, would provide terrific optics.

Vaccinations: Parents Matter

Vaccinations: Parents Matter

Stop The Presses: It’s July And It’s Kinda Hot.

Stop The Presses: It’s July And It’s Kinda Hot.