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Biden Leaps From One Catastrophe To Another

Biden Leaps From One Catastrophe To Another

If you liked Biden’s chaotic retreat from Afghanistan last month, you’ll love what he’s doing at our southern border now.

It’s another catastrophe.

You see, when Biden signaled to the world that America’s immigration laws were just suggestions and that he was reversing Trump’s tough stance on illegal immigration, he effectively invited illegals to storm the southern border.

They’ve done that.

Border patrol agents are overwhelmed by the thousands of illegals entering the country every single day.

They pour in, unvaccinated, many infected with Covid and some transporting deadly drugs such as fentanyl, and they're turned loose on American cities often without regard for their health status.

Yet Biden is ordering employers with more than 100 legal American workers to mandate vaccines.


Two weeks ago, White House correspondent Peter Doocy asked Biden’s press secretary why vaccines weren’t required for migrants once they’re in the country.

“It is a requirement for people at a business with more than 100 people,” Doocy pointed out. “ It is not a requirement for migrants at the southern border. Why?”

“That’s correct,” Jen Psaki snapped, before taking another question.

Does anyone else remember when Biden promised the most transparent administration in history? 

In the days that followed, a new crisis emerged: Haitian migrants began massing at the border.

At the international bridge at Del Rio, Texas officials said there were 700 Haitians camped out on September 8. One week later, that number had swollen to 10,503. And yesterday, it was estimated that 14,878 migrants were there, most of them Haitians.

We might not know about the disaster if it weren’t for an Emmy-award winning reporter for Fox, Bill Melugin, who shocked viewers last week with aerial shots - taken from both helicopters and drones - showing the sea of humanity baking in the summer heat at the bridge.

Biden’s response? The Federal Aviation Administration restricted the air space around the bridge for the next two weeks, preventing the public from seeing the disturbing scene.

More transparency, Biden-style.

So what did the enterprising Melugin do? He hired a boat and posted even more horrifying images of hordes of illegals wading across the river.

On Sunday, he was back on the ground with more:

Question is, how did thousands of Haitians get to Mexico, given they come from the poorest country in the Western hemisphere and the trip is about 2,000 miles, much of it over water?

Look, no one could be blamed for trying to escape from Haiti. The impoverished little country on the island of Hispaniola saw its president assassinated in July and in August a major earthquake brought major destruction. That’s just the latest in a series of natural disasters, by the way. 

Life is undeniably grim in Haiti. 

The New York Times claims - with thin supporting data -  that many of these migrants escaped Haiti some time ago and have been living in Mexico for years.

All 14,000 of them? Hard to believe.

Biden had been half-heartedly deporting the single men who had arrived at the border from Haiti, but under pressure from the far-left, the administration reportedly stopped those flights several weeks ago. 

That’s the equivalent of rolling out a welcome mat. 

Biden claims deportation flights will resume later this week. Wait till his puppet-masters in The Squad get a load of that.

The disaster in Del Rio is the fault of Joe Biden. Our president doesn’t respect America’s immigration laws or our borders.

He’s dangerous.

Hollywood Hypocrites And The Emmys

Hollywood Hypocrites And The Emmys

Rules Are for the Little People: Terry McAuliffe Edition

Rules Are for the Little People: Terry McAuliffe Edition