Paul Pelosi Attack: Never Let A Near-Tragedy Go To Waste — Kerry:

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Paul Pelosi Attack: Never Let A Near-Tragedy Go To Waste

Paul Pelosi Attack: Never Let A Near-Tragedy Go To Waste

I am sorry for Paul Pelosi who allegedly survived a hammer attack in his home on Friday morning. I hope he makes a complete recovery.

This sort of violence is frightening and unacceptable. No matter who’s the victim. It should ALWAYS be denounced.

But sanctimonious leftists can stop right now with their phony indignation, finger pointing and their attempts to use one deranged man’s violent actions for political opportunism.

Such as the Democrats who were apparently calling for all Republicans to suspend campaign ads throughout the mid-terms.

Yeah, you wish.

It appears that some sort of psychotic nudist activist from Berkeley allegedly broke into the Pelosi Pacific Heights mansion and hit the husband of the Speaker of the House in the head with a hammer. As many news outlets have noted, the attacker was also allegedly armed with zip ties.

But the ensuing outbursts of blame directed at conservatives from raging lefties who fear the mid-term election results ring hollow.

Yep, I’m especially talking about Hillary:

“The Republican Party and its mouthpieces now regularly spread hate and deranged conspiracy theories,” Clinton tweeted on Saturday afternoon.

“It is shocking, but not surprising, that violence is the result,” Clinton continued. “As citizens, we must hold them accountable for their words and the actions that follow.”

Oh, please. This is the same shrieking harridan who called millions of Americans “deplorables” and who routinely accuses her political opponents of being Russian agents.

NOW she wants civility?

You know who else was armed with zip ties, Hillary? Nicholas John Roske, the 28-year-old abortion enthusiast who was apprehended outside Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s home in June. In addition, he carried a Glock and a knife.

This was after weeks of ugly demonstrations outside the justice’s house that left his wife and kids terrified and stuck indoors.

Does anyone remember Hillary or any lefties denouncing abortion crazies at the time?


I do, however, remember Nancy Pelosi blocking legislation that would have provided more layers of security for High Court Justices.

I also can’t remember Hillary trying to score cheap political points when a homicidal Bernie Sanders supporter named James T. Jodgkinson nearly killed then-Republican Majority Whip Steve Scalise during a GOP congressional baseball practice. Scalise was left in critical condition from the gunshot wound that tore through his abdomen shredding organs and splintering bone.

Hmmm, I also can’t find any references to Hilary indignantly denouncing the maniac who tried to stab GOP congressman and gubernatorial candidate Lee Zeldin three months ago by shouting “You’re done” and leaping onto stage at a campaign event with a sharp object.

My point? There are deranged, violent lunatics all over the political spectrum.

No one knows what sets them off. They are violent sociopaths who should be locked up or institutionalized.

No one is to blame for Pelosi’s attack except the hammer-swinging crazy and perhaps a malfunctioning security system at the Pelosi manor.

Trying to use a near-tragedy to score points is a crass act of political desperation.

Denounce all violence or sit down, leftists.

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