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Schumer Demands Amnesty for 11 Million Illegals

Schumer Demands Amnesty for 11 Million Illegals

Do you ever get the feeling Democrats aren’t serious?

Not about immigration, anyway.

Oh, they’re plenty serious about things like the “rights” of men to compete in women’s sports and on crippling America’s fossil fuel industry to make the U.S. dependent on foreign oil.

But when it comes to border enforcement or immigration reform, they’ve demonstrated over and over again that they’re a deeply unserious party.

Take Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, for instance. For the past two years Democrats have controlled Congress and he’s led the Senate. So why did he wait until a week after the midterms, with just a couple of weeks left in a lame-duck session to introduce sweeping measures on immigration? Best of all, he’s demanding that Republicans join him in his fools’ errand. He needs a 60-vote supermajority to pass the bill.

Apparently Schumer wants some fall guys to blame when his bill fails. As it should.

Naturally, Schumer’s proposal has nothing to do with border protection or curbing the flood of illegals swarming into the country every day. Issues Republicans care about. Nope, he’s suddenly decided this is the perfect time to give the so-called “Dreamers” citizenship and what the heck, legalize the other 11 million squatters who are in the country while he’s at it.

Heck, why not just replace the border wall with a welcome mat?

Here, listen to him for yourself. This was Wednesday:

Eleven million? Hah. The number may be twice as high: 22.1 million. Using mathematical models, a Yale and MIT researcher in 2018 debunked the 11 million figure that the lazy press corps uses.

The paper, led by Mohammad M. Fazel-Zarandi, a researcher at Yale and Massachusetts Institute of Technology, estimates there are 22.1 million undocumented immigrants in the United States.

Fazel-Zarandi’s study compared inflows and outflows of immigrants as well as demographic data. According to the report, the number of undocumented immigrants could be as low as 16.5 million, or as high as 29.1 million.

“We combined these data using a demographic model that follows a very simple logic,” Edward Kaplan, a co-author of the report, told Yale Insights. “The population today is equal to the initial population plus everyone who came in minus everyone who went out. It’s that simple.”

Most previous estimates, based on the U.S. Census Bureau’s annual American Community Survey (ACS), place the undocumented population at around 11 million people.

Note that the study was conducted four years ago, before Biden’s open-border polices allowed record numbers of illegals and unadjudicated asylum seekers into the country. Whatever the correct number in 2018, it’s much, much higher now and growing every day.

It also seems a bit ironic to be lectured about America’s lack of reproducing from the leader of the abortion party.


If Schumer and company were serious about immigration, any bill they’d propose to provide a “pathway to citizenship” for Dreamers would also include money for a border wall to stanch the flow of illegal crossings. Such legislation would need to be meticulously constructed and subject to extensive debate and revisions.

That can’t happen in a breathless, lame-duck session.

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