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Biden Crosses A Line

I can’t with this guy anymore. I just can’t.

On Thursday morning the unthinkable happened. The President of the United States held a press conference in Madrid where he trashed the U.S. Supreme Court.

Chew on that, for a minute.

Joe Biden, while on foreign soil and at a NATO press conference, had the temerity - ok, the stupidity, the unmitigated gall - to tear down one of the three branches of American government.

OK, he also lied about inflation being worse everywhere else in the world, but we’ve grown accustomed to his exaggerations, whether they be about his academic record, his encounters with “Cornpop,” or boasts that he once drove an 18-wheeler.

This was something else.

Here, watch it for yourself.

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How dare the president stand on foreign soil, in front of foreign leaders and attack the highest court in the land, accusing the justices of engaging in “outrageous behavior?”

Biden’s the one who’s outrageous. The man clearly slept through civics class and probably couldn’t pass the basic citizenship test to become an American. It’s almost as if he doesn’t know that the Founders created a republic with three co-equal branches, to create a balance of power.

It’s one thing for Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez to go on late-night TV and stupidly claim that it’s the “responsibility of the president and of Congress to put the Supreme Court in check,” but it’s far, far worse for the president to repeat the same idiocy.

This isn’t just routine Bidenesque ignorance. It’s dangerous. The left in this country, led by our C-student president, has no respect for the foundational principles of the United States of America. When court decisions don’t go their way, they want to burn it all down.

Decent Americans have had enough.

The latest Real Clear Politics average of all presidential polls shows Biden’s approval rating at 38.8%. That’s abysmal. That’s lower than Donald Trump’s worst average.

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Speaking of Trump, if he had said something similar about the Court while overseas it would have triggered another impeachment. The only reason there is no talk about impeaching this president is because absolutely no one wants Kamala Harris near the White House.

Perhaps that’s why Biden picked her. His insurance policy. Hmmmm, maybe he’s not as dumb as he seems.