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That Raid On Mar-A-Lago

That Raid On Mar-A-Lago

They’d better have something big.

The F.B.I., that is. They’d better be working on information a lot stronger than a fake Russian dossier or the blowback from yesterday’s unprecedented raid on a former U.S. President’s home is going to be cataclysmic.

Despite the overly enthusiastic rallygoers chanting “lock her up” during the 2016 campaign, America has no history of investigating and prosecuting former presidents or candidates for the highest office. And, despite overheated campaign rhetoric, there was no serious attempt to investigate Hillary Clinton once she lost the presidential election.

Donald Trump, however, was dogged by bogus investigations and spied on through fraudulent FISA warrants from the start of his presidency and by the January 6th committee ever since he left office.

The former president claims he’s been cooperating with the January 6th committee, so why didn’t law enforcement seek a subpoena for the documents it seized today? Was a surprise raid really necessary? Or was this all for dramatic effect?

It seems the F.B.I. Is leaking that they were working for the National Archives not the congressional committee. That still raises the question of why a battalion of agents headed to Palm Beach when a subpoena would have sufficed?

My radio co-host, lawyer Mike Imprevento, says a subpoena would have faced legal challenges that wouldn’t be resolved before the mid-terms. A raid sidesteps that.

A highly disturbing thought. Sadly, one that makes perfect sense if this was politically motivated.

If Trump committed serious crimes while in office or out, we should know soon enough.

But if the raid on Mar-A-Lago was a fishing expedition instigated by a politicized Justice Department or worse, approved by a president with record low approval ratings trying to take out the man likely to run against him in 2024, we have truly moved from a glorious republic into into banana republic territory.

It is incomprehensible that the F.B.I. raid was carried out without the express approval of Attorney General Merrick Garland, a man who has reason to hold a personal grudge against Trump. It would not be unreasonable to assume the president was also informed of the raid, although the man who can’t put on his own sports jacket may not be kept in the loop about many matters.

Numerous government agencies that were once held in high esteem have recently lost the trust of the American people because they have become overtly political. The CDC during covid, for one. The F.B.I., after the Steele dossier fiasco is another.

If the F.B.I. doesn’t quickly produce strong evidence that a crime was committed after this shocking raid, the DOJ will become just another odious government agency, exposed as working on behalf of the Democratic Party.

That’s bad for our country.

Pompeo is hardly a right-wing firebrand. And he’s exactly right to be deeply troubled by this astonishing raid on the home of an ex-American president.

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