I Am Not A Non-Man
Anyone else old enough to remember when most of us trusted the American medical establishment? You know, before the lies and shenanigans surrounding covid? Back when we used to think of the FDA as the agency that saved American women and children from the horrors of thalidomide and when the CDC was simply a benign get-your-flu-shot organization?
Remember when Johns Hopkins was considered the gold standard of research universities and home to the brainiest doctors in medicine?
Well, just this week Hopkins joined the laughable FDA and CDC with its Pride month glossary.
Man: no definition needed.
— J.K. Rowling (@jk_rowling) June 13, 2023
Non-man (formerly known as woman):
a being definable only by reference to the male. An absence, a vacuum where there's no man-ness. pic.twitter.com/cpSaSR2Vfg
Yep, that Tweet comes to you courtesy of the author of the Harry Potter franchise, J.K. Rowling. She outraged the woke mob a year or so ago by insisting that there are just two genders.
Imagine that!
Apparently having a personal fortune estimated 820 million pounds - or more than $1billion - gives you courage and makes you immune to the slings and arrows of cancel culture.
But back to then Hopkins glossary. In the scientific world of woke medicine the term “man” seems to be self explanatory. But woman? The Mensa members at Johns Hopkins define that by what women AREN’T:
We are “non-men.”
Have you ever read anything more idiotic? Non-men who are attracted to other non-men are lesbians. That means straight women are non-men attracted to men.
What is it with wokesters that makes them determined to erase women? They’re allowing men who pretend to be women compete in female-only sports, they’re allowing guys playing dress-up to invade our bathrooms and locker rooms. They invite these wannabe-women to the White House where they prance around, shaking their silicone breasts reminding the grinning geezer-in-chief that “trans women are women.”
Shoot, Joe Biden put a judge on the Supreme Court who can’t define the word “woman.”
Using the Johns Hopkins definition of a woman, I’ve got your non-man right here:
Scout, formerly known as a Welsh Terrier, henceforth to be referred to as a non-man.
Sorry to part company with all the smart MDs at a once-great medical center, but here’s a photo of a woman, using my definition.
That’s me in 1989 with the daughter I gave birth to a few months earlier.
I’ve got news for the morons at Johns Hopkins. I am not a non-man. My first baby was not a non-man, my mother was not a non-man neither were my grandmothers. And chances are, if you’re a man, you’re not married to a non-man.
These word games signify such profound foolishness that I can barely wrap my head around it.
But keep it up, lefties.
Right through the 2024 presidential election.
Pretty please?
Note: The Hopkins glossary was pulled off the website by the university on Wednesday. That’s OK. The campaign ads are in the can and we have screenshots.