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Don't Blame Hunter Biden's Depravity On Addiction

I’m not a fan of the British monarchy. Or any other hereditary dynasty. The entire concept is antithetical to our American values.

But Joe Biden could - and should - learn a lesson from the late Queen Elizabeth.

I’m talking about the way she handled HER degenerate son. When the Jeffrey Epstein scandal burst into the news with lurid details of Prince Andrew’s alleged sexual encounters with underage girls, she erased him.

She didn’t stop loving him. She didn’t terminate her personal relationship with what was said to be her favorite son. But Andrew’s royal role was curtailed. He was no longer paraded around in public and he wasn’t seen with the royal family waving in that weird way they do from the Buckingham Palace balcony.

By contrast, Biden seems determined to rub our noses in his depraved offspring. Shoot, a short two weeks ago he was still insisting Hunter “did nothing wrong.”

Hunter did a lot wrong, and you know it Joe.

Yes, yes, I know, Hunter was addicted to drugs at the time he was endlessly photographing his penis, cavorting with prostitutes, banging his dead brother’s widow, getting kicked out of the Navy, doing lines of cocaine off women’s buttocks, shaking down foreign businessmen and fathering a child that both he and you refuse to acknowledge.

Sorry, Joe, but addiction is no excuse.

Lots of American families deal with alcoholism and addiction. The most horribly addicted behave better than Hunter did. 

Hunter’s a garbage person. You raised him. He’s your problem. For the love of country, put him on a shelf somewhere and spare the American public the spectacle of even looking at this waste of oxygen.

Never again take a foreign trip with this bum on board Air Force One - that’s OUR jet. Never again invite him to a state dinner. In fact, keep him out of the White House altogether. Let him luxuriate at one of your Delaware mansions where we can’t see him.

For the love of God keep him out of sight. 

It appears that at long last - after the corporate media could no longer ignore credible whistleblowers who revealed that Hunter extorted money from foreigners using his father’s connections - reporters started doing their jobs regarding this national Biden family embarrassment.

Here’s a rare sight. American journalists actually practicing journalism:

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The president could put an end to this if he’d just look across the ocean to see how slightly smarter people get rid of family degenerates.