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Beach School Board Vote On Parents’ Rights Tonight

Beach School Board Vote On Parents’ Rights Tonight

Tonight’s the night, Virginia Beach. A chance to show the leftist school board members that parental rights matter in the Resort City.

There are several ways to do it: Flood school board members with emails, sign up to speak at tonight’s board meeting (you have until noon) or just go to the meeting that starts at 6 and frown when the leftists start wringing their hands about the “rights” of troubled teens to keep their gender confusion secret from their parents.

Last month the Youngkin administration put the finishing touches on its new transgender model policies for schools. What they came up with is a rational, reasonable approach that allows students to change their gender in school WITH PARENT APPROVAL.

The way it should be handled.

Here’s a summary of the policy from the AP:

Now, in accordance with a 2020 state law, school boards will be asked to adopt policies that are consistent with the department’s.

The guidance says students’ participation in certain school programming and use of school facilities like bathrooms or locker rooms should be based on the sex assigned at birth, with modifications offered only to the extent required under federal law.

The finalized version adds an “opt out” option for parents to request that their children be given access to a sex-separated facility in cases where “state or federal law requires schools to permit transgender students to share otherwise sex-segregated facilities (such as bathrooms or locker rooms) with students of the opposite sex.”

The policies also say that students who are minors must be referred to by the names and pronouns in their official records unless a parent approves the use of something else.

Frankly, it’s astonishing this policy is even needed. It’s common sense. But the damage done by the loons in Gov. Ralph Northam’s administration must be undone.

Northam allowed school officials to collaborate with kids to keep any gender change a secret from their parents. You see, the left believes there is only one reaction parents are allowed to have upon learning that their son Jason wants to become Jennifer: They must paint his room pink, help him pick out girly frocks and start doctor shopping for an MD who will amputate his male organ.

Any parent who won’t “affirm” their child’s gender fantasy must be cut out of the kid’s life by teachers and school officials.

In addition, Northam required schools to let students use bathrooms and locker rooms based on their preferred gender. No thought was given to girls who might not want to disrobe in front of boys.

That policy was wrong-headed and dangerous. Youngkin was elected in large part to undo many of the far left excesses of his predecessor. Especially ones that sought to replace parents with government and put girls in uncomfortable situations.

Democrat Terry McAuliffe sealed his fate when he campaigned for governor with union boss Randi Weingarten - the sworn enemy of parental rights - on his arm.

Several northern Virginia school districts are already defying Youngkin’s policies.

When I spoke with her last night, Virginia Beach School Board member Vicky Manning predicted that tonight’s Beach vote would be “close.”

These elected officials need to hear from parents. You can be sure they’ve already heard from the radical, left-wing teachers unions.

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