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Term Limits? That’s A Hard No.

Term Limits? That’s A Hard No.

OK, 81-year-old Sen. Mitch McConnell - the man who single-handedly kept the loathsome Merrick Garland off of the U.S. Supreme Court - seems to be suffering from some sort of physical or neurological malady that causes him to freeze and go mute for 30 seconds at a time now and then.

Here he is Wednesday, at a press availability at the Northern Kentucky Chamber of Commerce:

Hard to watch, isn’t it? His aides appear to know what’s wrong and seem very cool during the incident. As if they’ve seen this before.

As a result of McConnell’s temporary paralysis, a number of panicked Americans are yodeling for term or age limits on politicians.

News flash: We already have term and age limits. They’re called elections.

I’m sick of Americans who want to prevent us from voting for the candidates of our choice by making them ineligible for re-election.

(That goes double for the lawyers trying to invoke the 14th Amendment to keep Donald Trump off 2024 ballots.)

Likewise, those who believe that Nancy Pelosi has spent too much time in the House of Representatives and should be term limited off the ballot should shut up as well.

She’s popular back home. Last time out the now-83-year-old Nancy Pelosi got 84% of the votes cast in her district. Clearly her constituents adore her. Why shouldn’t they get to vote for her again? And again?

Who cares if she’s been in Washington since the end of the Civil War?

Yes, I know 90-year-old Dianne Feinstein looks like the crypt keepers’ wife and her daughter reportedly acts on her behalf. But if California is happy with only one functioning senator, why should I care?

She’s one vote out of 100. Not dangerous. Just not with it.

We all know what’s at the root of all this talk about term limits and age.


Sleepy Joe is more than just old and tired. He’s losing his faculties. Rapidly. Unlike senators or members of Congress, the man who can’t find his way off stages without falling, who’s constantly groping and sniffing young girls and who mumbles gibberish when the Teleprompter is out of sight has the nuclear codes.

Frankly, Biden’s dangerous. McConnell, Pelosi, Feinstein and Fetterman?

They’re not.

A Small Victory – So Far – for Common Sense and Flood Mitigation in Virginia Beach

Biden’s Boosterism

Biden’s Boosterism