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Gov. Glenn Youngkin Is Removing Non-Citizens From Voter Rolls. The DOJ Is Trying To Stop Him.

Gov. Glenn Youngkin Is Removing Non-Citizens From Voter Rolls. The DOJ Is Trying To Stop Him.

This is insane.

The Biden/ Harris administration, which fought against including the SAVE act in a spending bill last month (that’s the the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility Act that would require proof of citizenship to vote.) is now suing Virginia over Gov. Glenn Youngkin’s efforts to get more than 6,000 non-citizens off the voter rolls.

What is it with these lefties and their love affair with noncitizens and especially illegals?

As it turns out, Virginia already has a law that keeps noncitizens from voting. Ironically, it was signed was signed by Gov. Tim Kaine and went into effect in 2007.

It requires an affirmative declaration of citizenship at DMV in order to register to vote.

Despite that law, Youngkin’s administration found more than 6,000 names of “self-identified” non-citizens on the voter rolls. These were Virginia drivers who reportedly told DMV that they were not citizens. Nonetheless they were registered to vote.

Who knows how this happens: It’s likely sloppiness or clerical errors rather than something more nefarious. But you never know and it doesn’t matter.

However these non-citizens got on the rolls, they need to come off. Now.

Twenty-five days before Election Day, the Biden/Harris Department of Justice scurried to court, trying to stop the removal of names.

Here’s Youngkin, explaining the unexplainable to Fox News:

“… it starts with a basic premise that when someone walks into one of our DMVs and self-identifies as a noncitizen, and then they end up on the voter rolls, either purposely or by accident, that we go through a process, individualized – not system, not systematic – an individualized process based on that person's self-identification as a noncitizen to give them 14 days to affirm they are a citizen.”

“And if they don't, they come off the voter rolls. And by the way, they have one last safeguard, which is they can come and same day register and cast a provisional ballot," he added.

…"Back in 2006, the then-Justice Department actually approved of this law and said that it is not only further constitutional, but we have given it thorough review, and we're OK with you moving ahead with it," he said. 

"Now, 25 days last week before the election, a Justice Department decides they are going to bring suit after this law has been in effect for 18 years, administered by Democrat and Republican governors. And this is the reason why I believe that Americans and Virginians wonder what the Justice Department is up to. It's been in effect for 18 years. It's been applied universally by Republican and Democrat governors. And now all of a sudden, when Virginia is getting tight… it launches a lawsuit against the Commonwealth of Virginia when we are trying to make sure that citizens vote, not noncitizens," he said. 

The feds claim there is a “quiet period” of 90 days before an election when voter rolls can’t be systemically purged. Yougnkin insists this isn’t a systemic purge, it’s a case-by-case removal.

In addition, the Youngkin administration requires almost daily reviews of death notices to remove deceased voters from the rolls.

Youngkin should be applauded. He’s continuing a long-standing practice of protecting clean elections in the Old Dominion. That’s more than can be said for the governors of many other states. Ahem.

In Virginia we vote on paper ballots and use counting machines that are not connected to the internet. This makes recounts easy and accurate.

Getting dead people and non-citizens off the rolls is an important, common-sense way to make sure Virginia elections STAY clean.


With the predictable torrent of criticism of Youngkin’s efforts, I haven’t seen news stories from leftie sites featuring scores of tearful citizens removed in error.

If they were out there, the left would have found and canonized them.

And, as Youngkin pointed out, if anyone is erroneously removed from the voter rolls he or she can cast a provisional ballot. It will count if that person’s claim is true.

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