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Tim Walz: Knucklehead

Tim Walz: Knucklehead

Looks like the joy is gone.

No one in the Kamala Harris camp is giggling today. They weren’t doing jazz hands or kicking up their heels on Wednesday morning, either.

Reality is setting in. For them and American voters.

At Tuesday night’s vice presidential debate America got a good look at the shockingly poor judgment Harris exercised in the first consequential decision she made after becoming the nominee of her party: Her choice of a running mate.

Who did she pick when she could have tagged any number of eager Democrats? 

She went with Tim Walz: A soggy, sad, mid-wit governor. An inveterate dissembler who actually described HIMSELF as a “knucklehead” during the debate.

A political ad man’s dream!

You know what America doesn’t need right now? Another knucklehead in Washington.. 

Just minutes into the debate the scales fell from America’s eyes. The corrupt media had spent weeks painting  JD Vance as “weird” while they bathed Tim Walz in undeserved praise.

You know who looked weird on Tuesday? Walz. The split screen did the pudgy man from Minnesota no favors as his face contorted with fear as he realized he was in over his head.

Writing in the Los Angeles Times, CNN commentator Scott Jennings summed it up this way:

On issue after issue, Vance delivered smooth, well-constructed arguments while Walz often answered haltingly, like an online video struggling to buffer on a slow Wi-Fi connection. There hasn’t been a vice presidential candidate this out of his depth since Adm. James Stockdale delivered his famous “who am I and why am I here?” line in the 1992 campaign.”

Ouch. That’s going to leave a mark.

Jennings noted that vice presidential debates rarely move the needle. Most Americans have forgotten that Tim Kaine was HIllary’s running mate, and the only thing most of us can recall from the Pence-Harris debate was the housefly that settled on Pence’s head.

This year could be different, Jennings says:

“Before Tuesday night’s tilt, I wasn’t expecting the 2024 vice presidential debate to be much different. I know Vance is good on TV, and I know Walz has virtually no idea what he’s doing at this level of politics. But I was shocked — shocked — at just how ill-prepared Walz was for his one and only big ticket task in this campaign.”

Yes, Tim Walz laid an egg.

The good news was that despite biased moderators, JD Vance destroyed the legacy media’s narrative, showing voters that Donald Trump had carefully selected a smart, articulate and measured running mate. Many of us already knew that Vance’s IQ was triple that of Harris and Walz - put together - but his graciousness was something of a surprise.

He was polite, courteous and kind to his opponent. The way winners are when they take pity on a woebegone adversary.

Perhaps Vance gave independents second thoughts about the Trump/Vance ticket as he projected a reasonable and logical face on the MAGA agenda. 

To the credit of both men, this was easily the most civil debate in recent memory. Both Walz and Vance were respectful. They refrained from the shouting, interruptions, snotty rejoinders and name calling that have become hallmarks of modern political discourse. 

While Vance stayed focused on Harris’ candidacy and national affairs, Walz returned time and again to Minnesota matters. Unfortunately, he was either lying or unfamiliar with the abortion bill he signed into law that specifically allows the procedure through the 9th month of pregnancy and does not require doctors to administer life-saving measures to aborted babies born alive.

That ghoulish practice was something former Gov. Ralph Northam and far-left democrats in the General Assembly wanted for Virginia.

Walz got off easy.

The moderators cared more about climate change than his mishandling of the BLM riots in Minneapolis. They failed to ask him to defend his appalling dictatorial governance during covid. They failed to ask him about the legislation he signed into law turning Minnesota into a “refuge” for minors from other states who aren’t receiving “gender affirming care”. Under Walz’s leadership, these kids can make their way to Minnesota, find a sympathetic judge and have themselves named wards of the state, cutting their parents out of their lives. After that, they can be sterilized, castrated and surgically mutilated.

On reflection this has been a rough week for the Biden/Harris administration. A dock worker’s strike is threatening to “cripple” the country, the federal response to a major hurricane in Appalachia has been sluggish, the MidEast is on the verge of World War III and war continues to rage in Europe.

When Kamala needed him most, Tim Walz let her down. What a knucklehead.

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