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Biden Showers Africa With Our Tax Dollars

Biden Showers Africa With Our Tax Dollars

Remember Hurricane Helene? 

That megastorm blasted ashore in Florida and buzzsawed north through the Appalachian Mountains. It hit western North Carolina and Virginia at the end of September. For a few days the catastrophic flooding was all over the news.

And then we moved on. By “we” I mean the rest of the country.

Unfortunately, the hurricane victims are stuck. Stuck in RVs and tents, waiting for disaster aid that is slow in coming. Waiting for impassable roads to be reopened. Waiting for FEMA trailers. Stories trickling out of the North Carolina mountains are gothic. Families living in shelters with no hope of returning to their hurricane ruined homes anytime soon. Or ever.

Cold weather is here and in the words of Derek Roberts, the mayor of Newland, North Carolina, the people are “big time struggling.” This is the same man who was featured in a New York Post story in October after his daughter was denied $750 by FEMA despite losing her home.

Displaced families are becoming impatient. FEMA hasn’t acted fast enough they say while federal officials insist that Congress needs to allocate more disaster funds.

Meanwhile, the president’s been busy. On Sunday Joe Biden pardoned his criminal son and the next morning he jetted off to Africa. Once in Angola, the tottering old man pledged $1 billion in humanitarian aid for Africans displaced by drought in 31 countries. That’s in addition to the $3 billion he already sent their way.

How munificent of Biden to take OUR tax dollars and give it to people thousands of miles away while Americans shiver in the cold and pray for help.

If that wasn’t enough, Biden took the overseas opportunity to apologize for the slave trade and said America had not always lived up to its principles. 

But I digress.

It’s been more than two months since Hurricane Helene ravaged the mountainy border narea between North Carolina, Tennessee and Virginia, The flooding caused $150 billion worth of damage. The storm killed 100 North Carolinians, wiped out more than 100,000 homes and displaced 200,000 people in that state.

Yet FEMA is looking under its sofa cushions for disaster funds while Biden’s halfway around the world, stumbling through speeches and generously showering OUR money on people living on a different continent.

Time for America to get her priorities in order.

Forty seven more days.

Radical Idea: Virginia H.S. Grads Should Know More About Their Country Than Foreigners Do

Radical Idea: Virginia H.S. Grads Should Know More About Their Country Than Foreigners Do

Enjoying The Spectacle Of The Biden Crime Family

Enjoying The Spectacle Of The Biden Crime Family