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Joe Biden: Panderer In Chief.

Joe Biden: Panderer In Chief.

I tried to do the math. But these are staggering, imprecise numbers. It appears that at least 1.3 million American troops have perished in wars beginning with those  25,000 patriots who  died during our Revolutionary War.

The deadliest conflict, of course, was our Civil War when approximately 620,000 fell in battle.

Let me ask you something. Did these brave men and women die for this kind of nonsense?

What you see here is an embarrassingly small American president. Meddling in free markets while the world burns and the U.S. has troops in harm’s way.

Unable to set a firm, intelligent, coherent foreign policy, unwilling to enforce our borders and with a struggling economy and stubbornly steep prices that hurt families, Joe Biden chooses to spend his time not on the big picture, but on pandering to increasingly peculiar interest groups that make up his base: those determined to peddle porn to the very young, those who believe it’s okay to allow the mutilation and sterilization of minors, those who believe that genitals and skin color are more important than competency when it comes to hiring.

An NBC News poll on Sunday showed that a full 60 percent of Americans disapprove of Biden.

Frankly, I’m stunned it isn’t higher.

A president who is recklessly steering the country toward World War III and who is openly committing treason by enabling an invasion on our Southern border has now turned his attention to - checks notes - airline fees.

Try running the country, Mr. President. Managing a successful airline would be way above your pay grade.

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Tucker In Russia

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Stay Calm: Police Finally Released The Make And Model Of The Pier Car