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Biden Finally Agrees To Debate Trump

I guess Donald Trump has been behaving himself.

After all, that was the requirement Joe Biden had before agreeing to debate his opponent on June 27: “It depends on if he behaves himself.”

In the months since that first Biden duck, Trump has been taunting Biden about a debate. He even brings an empty lectern to some of his rallies and puts it on stage.

Over and over Trump has said he’ll debate Biden “anytime, anyplace, anywhere.”

Here’s Biden’s video announcement. Watch it carefully.

Notice that in the 14-second announcement there are five cuts in the film. In other words, it took six takes for Biden to get through a 51-word announcement. On top of that, you can tell he’s reading off a teleprompter.

Pass the popcorn, this is going to be wildly entertaining.

The question everyone is asking is WHY? Why has Biden suddenly agreed to do what everyone presumed he’d never do: Get on stage with Donald Trump.

There are many reasons.

For one thing, The New York Times/Siena Poll this week was full of more terrible news for the Biden campaign. Joe’s losing in all but one of the battleground states and Trump has made tremendous inroads into traditional Democratic territory. Black men, Hispanics even young people are shifting toward the GOP in large blocks. Shoot, even white women are warming up to another Trump presidency.

All Biden has left are black women and the jihadi wing of his party. Oh, and the Hamas Fan Club is threatening not to vote for him.

He’s in trouble.

On Tuesday I was a guest on “The Analysts with Jake Novak” on BTT-TV. The topic was: Will Biden debate Trump? In preparation for the appearance I went back and watched parts of the two Biden/Trump debates from 2020.

Trump is the same guy he was four years ago: bombastic, pugnacious, sure of himself. But Biden? He’s aged decades since he took office. He’s a ghost, barely able to get out a sentence without slurring. The Roomba president, bumping aimlessly around stages.

In fact, Biden seems to be physically and mentally deteriorating so quickly that his staff may want to get the debates over early. Waiting until September might mean Biden could roll out wearing adult diapers and in a wheelchair. The man isn’t well.

There’s also the fact that moderators of these highly orchestrated events are Biden cheerleaders. They’re likely to toss him softballs, while lobbing salacious questions at Trump.

Will they ask the president about Afghanistan? Inflation? Crime? The border? Transgenderism and kids?

Not a chance.

All Biden has to do is remain upright and awake, refrain from falling and the legacy media will declare him the winner.

Biden’s decision to debate came with a few demands and lots of guardrails for the frail old man. Number one is that he doesn’t want to debate in front of a room full of actual people. Odd.

Here are some of his conditions:

No Live Audience


Trump's mic muted (when Biden speaks)

No Fox News

CNN will announce moderators

If I were Trump I’d have a few demands of my own. Top of that list would be that both candidates submit to a drug test prior to going on stage with the results announced halfway through. The American people have a right to know what they’re pumping Biden full of to make him appear sentient for short bursts of time.

With Robert Kennedy Jr. polling at about 14% and planning to be on the ballot in all 50 states, he’s earned the right to be on that debate stage. He’d add an interesting dimension to the evening.

I’m guessing both candidates want to keep him off.


Americans are clearly unhappy about the economy, the border, the direction of the country.

Voters ought to be able to compare all of the viable candidates at one time.

Oh, and it ought to be a real debate, where the candidates interact with each other and meddling moderators get out of the way. Let it rip.

Even if they don’t behave themselves.