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In A World Full Of Travis Kelces Be A Harrison Butker

In A World Full Of Travis Kelces Be A Harrison Butker

If I hear one more left-wing ninny screaming that Harrison Butker ordered female grads to drop their professional ambitions and have babies during a recent commencement address I’m going to order a No 7 Kansas City Chiefs jersey and wear it in public.

I don’t even like the Chiefs, plus I think football jerseys are unattractive on almost all women. 

The left is in hysterics ever since Butker gave a commencement address at Benedictine College, a small, conservative Kansas Catholic school with a graduating class of 485 students on May 11. His speech - given on his own time, about his own faith - espoused universal Catholic values to a Catholic audience. 

In it, he honored women who “lean into” their vocations as mothers and wives. He also praised men who lean into their vocations as fathers and husbands.

Butker received thunderous applause, by the way.

We’ve become so accustomed to phony Catholics such as our president - a “devout” Catholic, who made the sign of the cross at an abortion rally - that many believe you can be a Catholic and believe anything you damn well please.

That is not true. 

Benedictine is not a secularized school like Notre Dame or Georgetown, which have their roots in Catholicism but are turning into run-of-the-mill Marxist indoctrination centers. Benedictine is a conservative religious college where the school president leads the students in outdoor recitations of the Rosary. 

Those who don’t share our Catholic faith are free to go to attend one of the thousands of four-year colleges and universities in the U.S. that share their values. 

The reaction to Butker’s address has been ludicrous. The NFL, which says nothing about Miami Dolphins wide receiver Tyreek Hill who has 10 kids by 5 different women and had four children born so far this year, has denounced Butker’s speech because he held up marriage and family as the bedrock of our society and spoke out against sin.

Before deciding that America’s kicker is a Neanderthal, try actually listening to his speech.

Here it is:

If you prefer, here’s the text of the speech.

This 20-minute commencement address would have been greeted with yawns 20 years ago. Yet in our enlightened world today, banshees on the left see any endorsement of a lifestyle that doesn’t demean stay-at-home mothers as hopelessly backward.

I’ve got news for you. As someone who had a successful career in newspapers for 42 years, who now co-hosts a radio show and owns her own business, NOTHING I’ve accomplished in my life means more to me than my two kids and grandchildren.


This is personal for me.

My brilliant, college-educated daughter, who works on this website from home while caring for her two young children, has my utmost respect. She is not “wasting” her degree by lavishing love and attention on her kids and refusing to palm her children off on babysitters and daycare centers.

She’s showing them how much she loves them. Preparing them to be good people with strong values.

On top of that, she’s married to a soldier. The sacrifices they both make to serve their family and their country are remarkable and ought to be celebrated.

It was Jacqueline Kennedy who once said “If you bungle raising your children, I don't think whatever else you do matters very much.”

This accomplished First Lady, who tragically lost several children due to miscarriage and premature birth, treasured the two children she had.

She spoke the truth.

Instead of embracing different lifestyles and choices today, we’re lectured by miserable women and emasculated men that celebrating the vocations of mother and homemaker is hopelessly 1950s. 

They claim that putting family above career is just another way to make women subservient.

Sorry, not buying it.

In a world of Travis Kelces raise your sons to be Harrison Butkers.

By the way, sales of Harrison Butker’s Number 7 jersey were the top-selling NFL jersey in the country this week. 

Perhaps America is waking up.

Biden’s Speeches: Patronizing And Pathetic

Biden’s Speeches: Patronizing And Pathetic

Virginia Beach's Money Pit

Virginia Beach's Money Pit