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Maine’s Governor Aims To Make Kids Motherless

Maine’s Governor Aims To Make Kids Motherless

Here we go. These screwy Democrats just can’t help themselves. Virtue signaling is in their DNA.

Get a load of Maine Gov. Janet Mills announcing that what her state really needs right now are construction workers.

But not just any old construction workers. Nope, they need WOMEN!

Why, governor?

Why exactly does your state need female construction workers? Are the men doing inferior work? Is there evidence that women are clamoring for these jobs but no one will hire them?

Or are you just itching to make Maine kids motherless?

Yes, construction work pays well. It should. Construction jobs consistently make the list of the most dangerous jobs in America.

It’s a fact that women are smaller and generally weaker than men. Does that mean they can’t do certain types of construction work? No. But they might not be as good as men. And they may be more likely to get injured.

Physicality won’t matter. Mills is creating government grants that incentivize the hiring of women in construction work.

Sorry guys, looks like you’re not needed any more.

Beware ladies: According to OSHA one out of every five workplace FATALITIES is construction related. And one out of every 10 construction workers are injured every year.

Maybe one of the reasons there are chronic shortages of construction workers is because so many of them are out with debilitating injuries.

Oh, and in 2018 the Bureau of Labor Statistics showed that 47% of all workplace deaths were construction related, making those jobs considerably more deadly than logging and commercial fishing.

Women who want to work construction ought to get the chance. But once government butts in by offering incentives to hire by gender, regardless of ability, problems arise.

It’s going to mean that men may lose job opportunities to women.

And, like everything else that DEI touches, the results will be shoddy. But you do you, Maine.

Biden’s Despicable Sleight-of-Hand

Biden’s Despicable Sleight-of-Hand

Say Goodbye To The Boy Scouts

Say Goodbye To The Boy Scouts