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No, Hunter's Convictions Don't Equal Trump's

No, Hunter's Convictions Don't Equal Trump's

Stop the presses! Did you hear that Hunter Biden was found guilty of all three federal gun charges on Tuesday?

Of course you did. The whole world knows.

Curiously. it’s Democrats celebrating wildly, not Joe Biden’s political enemies. Why? They believe that when the Department of Justice tried the president’s son on felony weapons charges and a jury convicted him, it proves that we do not have a two-tier system of justice in the U.S.

Yep, every liberal pundit on cable news gave that cheerful interpretation of the jury verdict yesterday.

As usual, they’re wrong.

What they conveniently forget is that the DOJ initially worked out a sweet plea agreement that would have let Hunter off - from every crime he ever committed, which are many - by simply pleading guilty to two tax misdemeanors. Those pesky gun felonies would vanish. Everything else would be absolved and the president could continue to yap about how his son “has done nothing wrong.”

All of that special treatment was upended last July, however, when Federal Judge Maryellen Noreika took one look at the sweetheart deal and refused to be a rubber stamp for a highly politicized DOJ.

The New York Times last year published a detailed timeline of how the Hunter Biden deal was nuked.

With no deal, Hunter was quickly charged with gun violations in Delaware and tax crimes in California. Of course he has never been charged with far more serious crimes such as money laundering, influence peddling or violations of FARA, the Foreign Agents Registration Act. DOJ let the statute of limitations run on some and looked the other way on others.

Even with Dr. Jill staring down the Wilmington jury last week, the open-and-shut case against the president’s sleazy drug-addicted son resulted in three quick guilty verdicts. Even in the heart of Bidenland, the jury had no choice.

The best thing that came out of the trial was not the verdict, however. It was absolute confirmation by the government that the laptop was indeed Hunter’s. After all, it was introduced into evidence by the feds.

What else is on that laptop? Besides the porn and documentation of Hunter’s repulsive lifestyle? Incriminating emails indicating that the president profited from Hunter’s business deals, allegations that Hunter was paying all of the family bills with his no-show jobs and that he was kicking up 10% for the Big Guy, shaking down foreign businessmen by invoking his father’s name. Oh, and there are strong indications that Joe Biden was at least peripherally involved in many of Hunter’s shady business dealings.

What about those 51 present and former government spooks who helped quash coverage of Hunter’s laptop in the weeks preceding the election? They ought to be next in the dock for conspiracy and election interference.

Remember, Hunter isn’t just the president’s son, he’s a constant companion for his father. He flew on Air Force 2 to China and other locations with his father, which helped him enormously in his influence peddling schemes. Lord knows what Hunter Biden secrets Volodymer Zelensky has that may at this very moment be influencing American foreign policy in Ukraine.

In no way do the Hunter Biden convictions cancel out the Trump guilty verdicts. For one thing, last time I checked, Hunter Biden wasn’t running for president. He’s simply the Biden family black sheep, the sacrifical lamb. His prosecutions aren’t aimed at keeping him from serving a second term in the White House if that’s what the American people want. Conveniently, Biden’s DOJ didn’t choose to prosecute Hunter for any crimes that led back to his father.

When the New York City DA went after Trump he was going after Joe Biden’s chief political opponent.

In Trump’s case, the New York prosecutor actually ran for office promising to get Trump. Once elected he waited until 2024 to engage in a grotesque legal ballet that resuscitated misdemeanor bookkeeping mistakes that had expired under the statute of limitations. With a legal sleight-of-hand he grew them into felonies.

Prediction: Trump’s conviction will eventually be overturned, but not before the presidential elections.

Hunter Biden’s felony convictions will stick.

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