Careful There, Dems, These Are Your Voters — Kerry:

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Careful There, Dems, These Are Your Voters

Careful There, Dems, These Are Your Voters

I’m not in the habit of offering political advice to Democrats, but they might want to consider toning down the “convicted felon” rhetoric.

Ever since Donald Trump was convicted of 34 felony charges in New York, the left has become a Greek chorus, chanting “convicted felon” every time they mention his name.

As if that’s a bad thing in Democrat world.

After all, this is a party that not only courts lawbreakers with its soft-on-crime policies, but it depends on the felon vote.

There’s a reason Democrats consistently fight for automatic restoration of voting rights for convicted felons, often before they’ve finished serving their sentences. Shoot, in Vermont and Maine incarcerated felons are allowed to vote. 

Anyone else remember the stunt former Gov. Terry McAuliffe pulled to help his old pal Hillary in the months before the 2016 election? He violated the Virginia Constitution by offering blanket restoration of voting rights to more than 206,000 Virginia felons just months before Election Day.

In essence, McAuliffe short-circuited the constitutional process that required governors to restore voting rights individually.

Despite his denials, it was clear what McAuliffe was doing: Trying to pad the voter rolls in this important swing state in time for the election of his pal.

And yes, Virginia was considered a swing state in 2016.

Remember, in 2012, Barack Obama edged out Mitt Romney in Virginia by only 149,298 votes. In a close election, those newly restored felonious voters could make the difference.

The Virginia Supreme Court blocked McAuliffe’s illegal attempt to get felons to the polls, but his motives were clear.

In 2019 Ragnar Research Group studied the political affiliation of felons. Unsurprisingly, this is what they found:

Currently incarcerated felons are more than three times as likely to be registered Democrats or unaffiliated than Republicans. Ex-felons are four times as likely to be Democrats.

Any wonder then that it’s Democrats pushing for alternatives to incarceration, early parole and shorter sentences? In places like New York City, Democrats have abolished cash bail, putting a revolving door on police stations to get criminals back on the streets immediately after booking.

Felons love that!

Finally, now that Joe Biden’s son - the smartest person he’s ever met - is also a convicted felon, don’t expect to hear the president use the convicted felon insult at the debate later this month.

If he does, let’s assume Trump will have a blistering retort at the ready.



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