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Biden Campaign To Public: Don’t Believe Your Lying Eyes

Biden Campaign To Public: Don’t Believe Your Lying Eyes

For a joke to be truly amusing it needs to contain a nugget of truth.

Like this one from taxi-driver-turned-comic-turned-radio-host-turned-frequent-TV-host Jimmy Failla:

Failla’s right.

For example, we’re expected to believe a phony Biden campaign ad that claims Donald Trump refused to visit a World War I cemetery when he was president because he supposedly said it was full of “losers” and “suckers.”

Trump and 19 NAMED officials who were on that presidential trip deny Trump disparaged our war dead, yet this unsubstantiated bit of slander is being repeated by his opponents.

The suckers and losers allegation first appeared in an anonymously sourced story in The Atlantic in 2020, which, if you remember, was an election year.

How convenient!

The Trump camp insists that bad weather kept the president from visiting the Aisne-Marne American Cemetery outside of Paris on the day it was scheduled and they point out that he visited another World War I cemetery the next day.

Yet, Biden is spending untold millions to spread what his campaign knows is a lie about his opponent.

On the other hand, when we turn our eyes to Biden’s decrepitude, his campaign insists we’re imagining things. He’s “sharp as a tack” “energetic” “active” “engaged.”

Never mind that Biden’s suddenly wearing some kind of clown shoes to keep himself from falling over and even with them he walks as if he’s traversing a bed of nails. On stage, Biden’s a human Roomba and at the mic he spouts gibberish.

He’s fine, they insist.

In fact, Biden’s campaign is angry that we’re sharing Tweets such as this one:

And this one:

On Monday Biden’s mouthpiece, Karine Jean-Pierre, called these viral videos “deep fakes” and accused the Trump campaign of being desperate enough to promote them.

In other words, believe us when we tell you something ugly about Trump without confirmation, but don’t believe your lying eyes.

With the president’s cognitive abilities in question, it is more important than ever that Merrick Garland stop playing games and release the audio recording of the Biden interview with Special Counsel Robert Hur.

Garland released the transcript, so there are only two reasons for hiding the tape: Either the DOJ doctored the transcripts, or Biden sounds like a confused old man on tape.

We’re choosing the leader of the Free World in a couple of months. The American people need to get a good look at the president in unguarded, unmedicated moments to evaluate his mental condition.

Is he fit for office? Our eyes tell us NO.

Virginia's Girls Safe From Grotesque Changes To Title IX

Virginia's Girls Safe From Grotesque Changes To Title IX

Meteorologists Hype The Weather. It’s What They Do Best.

Meteorologists Hype The Weather. It’s What They Do Best.